Stop character bouncing after landing

Roblox has this strange problem with humanoid characters where they will bounce if they land after falling very fast. Not only is this unrealistic, it becomes a problem when making fall damage systems.
Is there any way that I can prevent this without affecting the velocity of the character?

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I checked online already, all solutions that I’ve seen including that one will remove velocity from the character. The velocity is needed for the fall damage system.

You could add it so it fires after the fall damage script.

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I have tried this before however it only lead to the character stopping in the air, I think this is because the game changes a characters state pre-emptively therefore anchoring the character moments before it hits the floor.

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As far as I know, there isn’t a way to disable this. This has been a problem since Roblox’s creation, and has been a source of many problems.

Hello, i know this question is quite old, but i think that you could change gravity when player falls back.
Heres the script i fastly created so it might not work but it gives an idea :

local humanoid = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)
local fallingGravity = 100 – Adjust this gravity when falling

local function updateGravity()
if humanoid.FreeFalling and workspace.Gravity ~= fallingGravity then
workspace.Gravity = fallingGravity – Change gravity when falling
elseif not humanoid.FreeFalling and workspace.Gravity ~= 0 then
workspace.Gravity = 0 – Reset gravity when not falling

updateGravity() – Call initially to set the correct gravity state