Stop giving currency when player has stopped touching part

You can, it is just a little complicated. I have a solution but the OP is unable to implement the solution.

I have figured out the giving currency but now I need to add a gem upgrade any help on that?

Create an integer value and increase it for every gem upgrade thats purchased by whatever you desire and just add that value to clicks where the clicks are given

How do I do that in my game can you come inside to make it work?

I see that this post has still not been solved yet. I will implore once again to use Zone Plus it is not that difficult to implement just follow this 10 minute tutorial

while true do
for _, v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetPartsInPart(NameOfTheZonePart)) do
if v and v.Parent and game.Players[v.Parent.Name] then --if its part of a player
--Give whatever your currency is here:
game.Players[v.Parent.Name].leaderstats.Money.Value = game.Players[v.Parent.Name].leaderstats.Money.Value + 100