Stop prioritizing models with tons of repeated words/tags in the search

As a Roblox Developer, it is currently really annoying when you’re looking for a model, and you find a model which has had it’s name spammed and in the description, this means you might search for a Car, and you get models called “TREE TREE TREE TREE”. These models often have viruses in them or are just awful. Other times you might search for a Car and get spammed with very bad models called “CAR CAR CAR CAR”. When you scroll down, you see hundreds of models with names spammed that are the same model but by different people.

Here’s what I mean:

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to find models much more easily, I wouldn’t have these models full of viruses and often irrelevant popping up.


I agree, it’s so annoying— not only does the Toolbox do this, but so does the catalog search. It’s been like this for so long and it has honestly ruined the ability to search for things on the site. How can such a powerful site’s search engine be so easily manipulated by just spamming the keyword into the title/desc?


I’ve seen some games do this too, you can search up a game, and it will appear at the top, but it’s completely different to what you searched.
Like this:


This is just getting worse and worse!

I can’t even search for basic things anymore.

This definitely needs to be removed!

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I’ve issued a similar report last night and got a solution/reason why this was happening in the first place and luckily I did because it affected my development.

The main reason this is happening is because of the space in between the keyword and “:”, that is the reason why you’re getting models that are spammed/botted inside toolbox within the models’ section, hence why models flooded with the name are showing up when putting down a certain keyword when searching.

Best solution? Use and click the magnifying glass in order to not have this issue.

I’ve linked a topic below due to the issue that you’ve experienced:

Toolbox isn’t the best at the moment, hope it can get improved or re-made in the future.