Stop using SetAsync() to save player data

Right now I’m EXTREMLY confused how do I make it work with table values, it feels like a labyrinth and I can barely understand anything in UpdateAsync() method.


Hi, one point I am missing out is most of the times GetAsync() is used when a player joins the game. If it fails or delivers outdated data, you are claiming UpdateAsync() is a good way to compare it with current DataId. The problem is, if the player has just joined the game, there is simply no DataId for him. What I don’t understand is what do you compare the DataId returned by GetAsync() with?


(I might be really late) Well, in the method he used, there is a compare thing that it checks if there is already a data

So in this one it checks if there is already a saved data and if there ain’t a saved data it adds the DataId = 0 in the previous data.

Therefore it simply saves it as the first data.

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For playerdata, UpdateAsync isn’t as important to use then real time systems. For example, in a clan system if you want to add members to a clan you would use updateasync, if you used setasync you would need to get the existing members first using getAsync, and not to mention getAsync cahes so you would probbaly be overiding members and causing disasters.

However I think for playerdata setAsync is a better choice.

UpdateAsync is absolutely important to use in real time systems and should not be dismissed for SetAsync. ProfileService is a good example of a rising library that works with DataStores. It takes advantage of the fact that UpdateAsync is both a getter and a setter to perform some of its internal work, especially with regards to locking data to sessions.

Adding or removing members to a clan would be a matter of adding or removing someone from a collection, so it’s held in the same vein as incrementing and decrementing data: UpdateAsync is good to use here so that you’re actually mutating the data. SetAsync is candidate for failure in this workflow because you now have to account for other servers and determine which holds the true value for the DataStore. Determining this point of truth can be extremely tedious.

SetAsync is not a better choice for player data and UpdateAsync would be equally as bad if you use it like SetAsync. Use UpdateAsync for what it’s good for, which is more than just overwriting values. It allows you to modify and update it, as its name suggests.


That’s not how you’re suppose to use that…

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Now your making two api requests…

What’s the point of doing that whatever you return in the updateasync callback becomes the new value of the datastore key.

DataStore:UpdateAsync(playerId, function(newValue)
return true – sets the key as the true

Remember UpdateAsync is a callback takes a callback as an argument, and usually Callbacks allow you to return values which the function will use (the return value), while running your own code.

This is why callbacks are super powerful, and yah in all my modules I make privately for my own use callbacks.

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I don’t think things like this are very efficient, imagine every time you buy something in a shop the server performs a datastore update request. That would hit the data limit soon if your having a game where players frequently gain points and buy items.

Instead what I would recommend is local data manipulation. For example, when a player buys an item, the data should be manipulated locally to avoid datastore limits. Saving would be periodically and on the player leaving. Here come’s the question now though, how useful would UpdateAsync actually be if we save the local manipulated data periodically and on the player leaving?

Since all we’re doing is setting a value to the key to the datastore (the local data) aren’t we supposed to use SetAsync(), what’s the point of using UpdateAsync() here, we don’t care about the old data, if we did though could you tell me why we have to?.

In this case UpdateAsync() only seems useful to compare data when the player joins, as an alternative for GetAsync() not SetAsync().

So I’m confused at the example part, how are you supposed to use this .DataId? Where do you get it from on players data?

Oops sorry for the bump! But still, are you supposed to have theirs dataVersion gotten when they join the game?

Edit: for anyone coming from my UpdateAsync post please. Don’t. Care. About. This. I swear I know what I’m talking about! I have learned a lot in a small time frame for many reasons.

Hey, just a question for anyone that bumps on here, would this be an example of saving data properly?

local function Save(Player)
	local Stats = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Save_" .. Player.UserId);
	local TableToSave = {DataId = 0}
	local Key = "Player_" .. Player.UserId
	for _, v in pairs(Stats:GetChildren()) do
		local KeyName = "_" .. v.Name
		local KeyValue = v.Value
		TableToSave[KeyName] = KeyValue
	Store:UpdateAsync(Key, function(OldData)
		local DataId = OldData or {DataId = 0}
		if OldData.DataId == DataId.DataId then
			TableToSave["DataId"] += 1
			return TableToSave; else return nil;

Thanks. It would be a disaster for my friends if they’d see their data missing a number often.

How would we use UpdateAsync() with a Table?

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i having the same issue as you

i think we do this very ugly method

   return {"hi"}

Thanks, this really helped me whenever I was making my saving system.