Hey, looking for support with an issue I’m seeing on my game.
I track the success of the login process and every once in a while players are getting repeatedly kicked during the join process. I’ve audited and confirmed that it’s nothing I’m doing (as in I’m not kicking them or anything of the sort).
The error shows as this consistently in blue text, and then they are kicked from the game.
Players::onRemoteSysStats disconnect not in the clist
It happens to individual players, not entire servers or anything. It seems to stick with a user even as they attempt to join multiple different servers. It will happen to them non stop for on average 2-6 minutes then they will be able to join as if nothing happened.
Wondering if this is something I can control or just totally a roblox thing.
I have been able to jump into the servers where this is occurring and it’s always the case with that information bubble when they’re being kicked.
I’ve personally never seen this error before. But from some posts I’ve read, it’s something that happens internally (double ‘:’ indiciates it’s C++) and may or may not be related to ‘PlayerRejoining’ signal…?
Yeah it’s super strange. No associated error, but it happens on a fairly consistent basis with that same blue internal warning.
If I can just get some clarification that it’s not within my control then I’ll let it go, but I’d like to see if there’s some possibility that I could address this.
These players are definitely getting kicked when they see some of these messages. I’ve had quite a few reports that I’ve tracked down to similar cases. The more I looked the more I’ve found at this point where it’ll be some strange blue warning and a player kick.
Just wanted to be sure it wasn’t something that I could fix.