Strong AntiCheat Feedback

Hi developers! I’ve decided to make an anti cheat for fun and share it with you! If you could test out the anti cheat and leave a rating It would be awesome :heart:
Currently it includes :
Anti Fly
Anti NoClip
And Anti Speed

Heres the place which you can test the anti cheat at


Added the ability to increase your walkspeed (client side)

On the noclip box, you can just walk into it and you can be kicked for it.

Alright will look into it! Thanks for the report. What about the other detections?

The green box I’m not sure what it does, and the speed changing always sets it to 0 (no errors for it) I’m assuming it’s not getting a number value and is getting a string instead.

Alright the green box is for no can collide and I will fix the speed asap

Alright I fixed all of the issues you told me

Can you show me the speed-changing script real quick? It doesn’t seem to be fixed.

Sure here it is :

	game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(script.Parent.Text)

The script.Parent is the button if I’m correct, which your trying to set the text ‘Activate’ to be a number 0 through max speed

Yea you are right sorry for that I will fix it rn

It’s working as intended now. While testing I also saw a fling thing for it, which I’m assuming is if the character gets too much velocity.

Nope, all methods I use are all unique that I came up with. For example the fly instantly detects the cheated without using Raycasts or position checks or any kind of check like that.

I will be making an updated post to better document the anti cheat and showcase it

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