' Stud Worlds ' Classic & Modern Roblox Maps

Hello fellow Developers! I’m Sumit and I’m here to share one of my latest creations with you all.

‘Stud Worlds’ are mini worlds on Roblox, I built for a client. I was to deliver 60 maps in total and here are few screenshots from the creation. But before that, a little bit of insight to these maps.

These maps are made from studs and smooth plastics mainly. These maps are made with regards to the new Trend on Roblox, ’ Find the ’ games. Using studs, smooth plastic and neons, I created maps that are of modern themes and hence, resulting in ’ Classic & Modern Roblox Maps '.

But enough of the details and here are few screenshots from the creation;

World 1

World 2

World 3

World 4

World 5


The maps are made in sizes such 25x25studs, 30x30studs and 35x35studs.
These creations really did impress me and I’m really proud of these maps and I really enjoyed building them too.

If you’re looking for info on these maps, then PM me on Devforum and as always thank you so much for your read and I’d be looking forward to hear from you guys too! And do let me know which one is your favorite too!

Thank you for your read!


This looks really good!! I recommend to use other surfaces for windows instead of suds like that glue surface thing. Or just keep it smooth. My only recommendation is to change up the surfaces a little


Hey OP, you should try something like this for your classic style builds. For example, my build critique shown below for “image 1” was made using a 64x64 baseplate.

I also made a wrote-up guide for classic style building if you’re interested in checking it out: Roblox - Classic Building Guide


Thank you for your feedback Zilly! I could have used other surfaces or perhaps smooth for sure. I’ll be sure to keep it in mind next time ^^

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Thank you Brother! It’s really helpful!