Studio building bug

So as I was building in studio, I noticed this bug:

Anyone know how to fix it/why it’s happening? It doesn’t really bother me that much, but I was curious as to why it was happening and if it’s fixable.


It has happened to me and what I have done to solve it is to make it less transparent.

This is the behaviour of transparent objects. From my experience, there isn’t much you can do with this visual glitch, but try making the material of the part covering the red part glass.

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I see. Thank you two for the feedback.


Such glitches happens sometimes. Try to change the transparency as @chrisNightmareFoxy said, or try to change material to for example plastic or something else.


To me bother those errors since it does not give a realistic or beautiful effect. But at least it is irrelevant compared to other errors.


I have noticed that as well, especially with neon or slightly reflective objects/bricks.

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I have also experienced this problem when using Neon parts set into glass. One will appear neon but the other will look as if it’s made out of smooth plastic.

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Some other people are saying this. It’s all about the transparency of the object. I suggest you decrease the transparency of the part. Usually in the game itself, it should do this less often. I’m not 100% sure though. Tell me how it goes and if you have any questions! Good luck!

This happens to me with my cups too. Hopefully there may be a fix in the near future alongside the lighting update.

I have no solution but it is indeed really annoying, unfortunately, I do not have images. Sorry! Me and my developer team do not know how it happens… :frowning:

Hi as I’ve re-read this I’ve noticed it a fairly major issue. I recommend messaging the Lead Top Contributers and requesting this is put into studio bugs. Hopefully this will act as foundations to solving this issue.

Very annoying glitch, especially here:



I don’t want to use plastic as it looks low quality and less glassy.

Any update on the status of this? Very major flaw.

Hi you can find multiple references to this problem here;

It also happens when you are using two layers of glass, if you have two separate transparent objects in front of each other and look through the closest one, the furthest disappears. No viable solution has been reached.

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