Studio in VR just kinda.. stopped?

I haven’t done studio VR in a long time, and it used to work before, but studio just never goes into VR mode. Rift S connected and active.

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Roblox is seeming to be down for me. Might be cuz of this.

Studios been like that ever since it’s upgraded to 64-bit.
I’ve always wanted VR in Studio, but it’s never worked for me :sob:

You have to join the game through the client to be able to test in VR, which is really stupid and bad UX.

What? How long was that ago? It felt like I was just using it… This feels urgent, why wouldn’t Roblox fix it?

Yeah, I was right. Studio switched to 64 bit in 2019. I was working on a VR project which can be viewed here after that.

From several posts I’ve seen, people have said it’s been broken since the 64-bit upgrade…

Any workarounds? I don’t see why this wouldn’t be fixed which leads me to the conclusion that it either hasn’t been reported or is just a rare issue

I’ve never found a way to get StudioVR working, you could try SteamVR but I’ve got no clue at this point

Do you know how I can do that?

Last time I accessed studio in VR (Rift S), it worked fine. I’m not sure why it isn’t working for @RunKittenzRComin though.


After I factory reset my pc a few days ago, and got everything back up again, Studio in VR suddenly works!
No clue what’s going on, but I don’t have SteamVR installed at all, so maybe that was the issue.

Studio never used steamvr for me at all. Always relied on oculus.

I wonder if an oculus update broke support?

Update on this: Oculus now opens when i launch studio, but still no VR.