Studio intellisense? Where/when does it work?

My response still stands to that. The possibility that it might return “nothing” doesn’t mean it should not provide suggestions for the primary use, that’s the wrong approach. A programmer not knowing that GetPlayerFromCharacter might return nil is a short and temporary matter that ends after they see it in practice and/or read the devhub; after that they would know what to expect.

For example, GetPlayerFromCharacter has two guaranteed outcomes, either it returns “nothing” or it returns a Player instance. It doesn’t return any other kind of type (and the chances of Roblox suddenly changing it to return any other Instance is pretty low). It’s not the same as a mystery function whose possible return values are unknown.

The script editor could assist an experienced developer by providing suggestions for accessing properties or methods of the Player object, because in most cases that will be the result, while the possible outcome of “nothing” would likely already be handled by an if/else statement.

It can help a novice! Like me! Novice to Roblox, that is.
IS is a constant reminder of what a class’ members are. Someone more familiar with the Roblox API probably doesn’t need that help.

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