Not in the plugin bar, I mean as a widget, like output is.
It should be a popout window.
And I combined it with the output so it isn’t in my face if I want to check quickly.
So, it just isn’t showing? I’m a bit fuzzy on the problem at hand, apologies.
You see the top right of the popout? Where it says “Roblox studio” that should be the name of the plugin, and I think that would fix the name not showing when combined.
Oh yea, I’ll work on that soon. Thanks!
Themes have been released! You can now unlock different sets of colors based on your level. Keep on that studio grind to get more themes!
A suggestion: make the themes be in the order of the level unlocked
Another suggestion: make it into a GUI to be able to see the themes.
What’s the point in doing that? This is meant to motivate you, grinding would be demotivating.
Says this error:
18:41:22.271 cloud_6426578337.StudioLevels.Main:83: attempt to perform arithmetic (mul) on nil and number - Studio
18:41:22.271 Stack Begin - Studio
18:41:22.271 Script 'cloud_6426578337.StudioLevels.Main', Line 83 - function GetXP - Studio
18:41:22.271 Script 'cloud_6426578337.StudioLevels.Main', Line 87 - function UpdateVisual - Studio
18:41:22.272 Script 'cloud_6426578337.StudioLevels.Main', Line 173 - Studio
18:41:22.272 Stack End - Studio
So… I might have a problem.
I feel like my problem is a bit biggerer
The issue has been patched. Please update your plugin.
And I thought I had a lot.
mild flex
Ummmmmm my levels got reset. (I had 105 hours in studio) Is anyone else experiencing this?