Studio on IPad?

I think you could somehow cause some ipad pros have MacBook processor

Studio will never come to mobile Why do people keep asking for this?


Studio Lite is an option if you want to develop games on a tablet or mobile, however it is limited.


This would be the same as on mobile?? Very inconvenient and uncomfortable.

The IPad is not mobile. Look at Mr chip and Magic keyboard

Why? 13’ and Magic keyboard with Mr chip. That better than some MacBooks

Just get a computer at this point.

You cannot just tell someone to “get a computer”.
They may have money problems (can’t afford a laptop) or other situations that prevent them from getting a laptop or computer.

I have one, but I don’t take it with me on vacation…

Thanks, but I’m buying an iPad additionally and would buy the keyboard to when Roblox Studio would work on the IPad too.

The newest iPad costs around the same as a MacBook, if your going to attach more accessories to your iPad that’s going to cost even more?

Im not telling them to get a computer, I’m telling them that a computer will hold more value than an iPad with accessories.

II already have a Laptob, but an iPad is easier to transport

I guess you’re right, I guess you’re going to have to hassle if you’re planning to develop on vacations. Because roblox probably isn’t planning to port studio to mobile nor iPad models.

It basically is just a large mobile that cannot call or text using a SIM card. You can also get mobile compatible keyboards and mice. Apple usually has good hardware, like cameras for example, but they restrict many features through paywalls. Apple products are terrible imo. I see them as nothing but accessories for rich and dumb.
I’d happily stick with the laptop if I were you. I don’t see Studio becoming touchscreen device compatible for another while yet.
Function > Aesthetic.

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“It basically is just a large mobile that cannot call or text using a SIM card” It can.
Isn’t it rather a smaller computer.
" I see them as nothing but accessories for rich and dumb." You can write on it. With a pen.

They can call or text, but not using a SIM card. It requires a WiFi a connection.

You can also write on it with your finger. The fact that you can even write on it doesn’t change my opinion of it. I can write on my PC with the mouse, pretty much just as well as I can with a pen. The benefits of a Windows PC far outweigh the benefits of an iPad - or any Apple product for that matter. They’re simply overpriced accessories, where you pay more for less.

Theres a WiFi and Wifi +Cellular option(+~300). It is possible.

Not good.

Thats a joke.

Nah man. Just takes practice. Honestly, I’ve tried Speed Draw on both PC and Touchscreen, and I’m much better on PC. I’ve gotten used to using a mouse as opposed to drawing on a touch screen, even using a stylus. That’s what 23 years of using a PC does. I’m best on pen and paper, but for some reason I find that doesn’t translate well with touchscreens, and even if it did, it will never justify purchasing any Apple product in my view. I hate them, and the people that use them with a passion. They’re accessories for the elite to flaunt and say “Oh, look at me with my fancy new iPhone… I paid $600+ so I can do less, and because I like the look of it, and when the next model comes out, I might as well pay for that too since Apple will deliberately diminish my current models functionality, quality and efficiency”.
Rant finished lol.

Oh well, hope it goes well and that its optimized :pray:

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Well then, guess I stand severely corrected :laughing:

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