Studio Unselectable Objects

I am trying to make an area in Studio. Encasing this area is a music trigger that, when entered, changes the music to town music.

However, because I have this part encasing the town, editing and building inside of it becomes near impossible. Even if I lock the part, I cannot select anything else inside of it.

Is there a way to make a part completely intangible to Roblox Studio’s selection options?


Unfortunately not (to my knowledge). You’ll need to temporarily move the part out of the workspace. There’s a great plugin for this by stravant that allows you to move the selection between workspace and ServerStorage with a single click:

That sucks… But thank you for the link, this will be very useful.

Nevermind, I figured it out for anyone reading!

If you set the Collision Group of a part to any group that doesn’t collide with Default, that part and all other parts in its group become intangible in Roblox Studio’s click selection! Combined with Locked Enabled to counter drag selection, a combo of those two methods make a part completely intangible and easy to work with.


I think they just patched this :frowning:

They didn’t - they added a collision group specifically for this. Disable collissions between your part’s group and StudioSelectable