Studio updates unpin studio from Window 8/8.1's Start Screen

This is fairly minor, but I think it’s worth bringing up.

If you have ROBLOX Studio pinned to your start screen and it updates, it gets unpinned. I’m assuming this is because the updates make a new exe file?

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Correct – it does this on Windows 7 as well. There seems to be a launcher that exists outside of the content that gets deleted, but ROBLOX doesn’t use it for the shortcut.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions\RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe

It “upgrades” every time you open it, and by that I mean it opens the upgrade window and closes 1/10th of a second later if it’s already upgraded, but it is noticeable. To get around the old program getting deleted and having to create a new shortcut / dealing with upgrading studio every time I open it and dealing with the terrain toolbar being shoved in my face every time I open Studio, I just use a custom .vbs launcher that finds the latest version of ROBLOX Studio, deletes the terrain plugin if it exists, and launches that version of studio:

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set studioDirectory = Nothing

Sub Run(ByVal sFile)
Dim shell

    Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    shell.Run Chr(34) & sFile & Chr(34), 1, false
    Set shell = Nothing
End Sub

For Each subfolder In objFSO.GetFolder("C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions").SubFolders
    For Each file In objFSO.GetFolder(subfolder).Files
        If file.Name = "RobloxStudioBeta.exe"  Then
            Set studioDirectory = subfolder
        End If

If Not studioDirectory Is Nothing Then
    For Each subfolder In objFSO.GetFolder(studioDirectory).SubFolders
        If subfolder.Name = "BuiltInPlugins" Then
        End If
    Run studioDirectory & "\RobloxStudioBeta.exe"
    Wscript.Echo "RobloxStudioBeta.exe not found in any subfolders of C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions"
End If

This isn’t only relevant to windows 8. I’m using windows 7, and the same thing happens to me. Every update, I have to re-pin it. It’s annoying irritating sometimes.

Also something literally no other game in the world does. Have a separate folder created for every single update.

The solution to this problem is fairly simple, it’s just a case of finding out what some of you are doing different to others. When you install or update ROBLOX it updates a shortcut in the directory:

This is how you should be opening ROBLOX, rather than directly going to:

Since this directory will change overtime and leave you with an outdated, or non-working link (and if this is the case it’s removed from the start menu.)

So, all you need to do to solve your current problem is pin the shortcut rather than the actual exe.

I have my start menu shortcut pointing to C:\Users\Trip\Desktop\Roblox Studio.lnk . So it always works.

Same with roblox studio.
I didn’t pin the latest studio.exe, but the actual RobloxStudio.exe in the /versions/ folder.
Everytime I click it, it quickly checks for updates, installs them if there are, and then opens real studio:

[quote] Also something literally no other game in the world does. Have a separate folder created for every single update. [/quote]I want to know why they do this with the production version.

I could understand perhaps internally having the installs in version folders so they can have multiple installs of ROBLOX (maybe?) - either way it gets annoying if you’re trying to use anything that points to the ROBLOX instal and is quite impractical for it to do this on a production version.