Studio window refresh

Quite often my windows in Studio can have a small problem that can be annoying such as certain items not loading or buttons not working. It would be really useful if there was a refresh option that would show up in a droplist when you right-click one of the windows(Toolbox, Explorer, Properties, etc.)

It’s a simple idea and should be easy to implement.

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Can you provide reproduction steps for cases where items don’t show up? I would rather fix those cases than add a refresh button.


I can’t find the topic, but I remember someone requesting the same thing and the general consensus was that the bugs should be fixed instead of adding refresh. I agree.

In Team Create, you can’t reload images that have been pending and are now approved without leaving and coming back.

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I’m not sure how I do it, I’ve done it twice now and basically what happens is all the items in explorer go missing. I’ve tried closing and reopening the window but that never works, I have to just restart studio. If I do it again I’ll tell you how I did it. But wouldn’t it be better if there was a refresh button as well for when things like this happen so I don’t have to restart studio?

No, there should not be a refresh button. Engineering effort should be put towards fixing the problem, not creating a “duct tape” fix for it.


I sent a message to @UristMcSparks about my studio tabs freezing up and providing steps on how to reproduce it. Would it help if I gave it to you?

If you have a bug you should make a bug report about it. Just sending it to specific staff members is inconvenient, there are multiple people per team.

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I reported it to Urist and I don’t really want to make a forum post about it unless he says its ok because I feel like I am being pedantic for the bug to be fixed, which I am not.

This seems odd to me, I would just post it in Bug Reports next time around. They don’t think of bug reports as pedantic and they prioritise them themselves appropriately. The reason why Bug Reports is better is because you may not always know who will become responsible for fixing a bug, and that way you can also have other users/staff members chime in where desirable.

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