Substance Painter to Roblox Studio UGC Item

Hello! Ive textured a model ive made with substance painter which I wish to make a UGC item. However to my understanding UGC items require you to only have 1 image texture. How would I go about combining Colour and normal maps into one? How do most UGC creators go about this importing their substance painter textures into roblox studio?


I think you can use ‘SurfaceAppearance’ to do this. It gives you extra fields to add Metalness, Normal, and roughness.

The problem is I dont think UGC items can use SurfaceAppearances they can only use a singular texture. So like importing from Substance painter is a hassle because it exports the texture in multiple file types which I dont know how to compile together.


I think what people do to bypass this is by uploading the hats as tshirts like this:


You might want to wait to upload it until ROBLOX’s new updates roll out later in 2025. Looks like PBR will soon come to accessories, which I think might fix your problem and then you can upload it as an actual accessory rather than layered clothing!

Source: Upcoming Launches for Avatar Creators


You need to export the file with the output template set to “2D View” This bakes all the PBR related info into a single png texture file. Of course this is just baked data, and not dynamic. This has been the standard we have been using in UGC for years. If your are doing LC, that does actually support PBR maps, and that is currently the only category you would use SurfaceApperance in. If you are trying to get actual PBR on static accessories your going to have to wait till that’s implemented as mentioned by @iHA3CH4N


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