Sudden rise in commission revenue, loss of 10% loss on pending revenue, loss of sales

Reproduction Steps

In my group (Just For Fun™ - Roblox), check the monetizations stats of all 4 of my games and check the group sales.

Expected Behavior

1. There shouldn’t be so much commission revenue, I have never seen this before.
2. Pending sales should show 70% of the revenue.
3. The hourly revenue should match the daily revenue at the end of the day.

Actual Behavior

1. Here is the hourly revenue of my game Building Simulator (🔨Building Simulator🏢 - Roblox)
Since yesterday there has suddenly been revenue from commissions. It is also noteworthy that Building Simulator has always had Third Party Sales turned off in the settings.

  1. Earlier the same day commission revenue appeared, all pending sales began to show only 60% of the robux price.
    Here is a sale from yesterday from a developer product priced at 199R$ (I did not change the price anytime recently):

Here is a sale from 2 days ago, showing the correct amount (70%) of the robux price. Before 2 days ago all sales were like this:

  1. Here is the hourly revenue of my game Create a Cart Ride (Create a Cart Ride [Alpha] - Roblox). It is showing revenue from commissions as well, but another issue is that some sales are entirely missing in the daily revenue and when I check the group sales.

Here is the daily revenue:

The issue is that the 995 robux earned on 2/26, 9PM do not show up on the daily revenue of 2/26 (nor does it show up on 2/27). Also, the sale is nowhere to be found in the group sales. I confidently recall one of those sales being from the developer product ID 1382702372 (499R$) by the user ShoemoNAS. There was one other sale from the developer product ID 1383172257 (799R$), but I don’t recall which user it was.

I know for certain that this is an issue for Create a Cart Ride because I have been closely monitoring its sales, but I don’t know to what extent this is happening on my other 3 games, which have significantly more revenue at stake.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Monetization Stats on the creator page & the group sales page
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-02-27 17:02:00 (-05:00)


Thank you for the detailed report.

It appears to be the same issue from Suddenly only receiving 60% creator earnings from gamepasses and developer products, which we are investigating right now.


Closing in favor of already-reported bug above, please refer there!