He prints the fireclient, it’s okay, but i don’t know why it isn’t working
Wait where do i put pront clicked
When you click the summon button, specifically, on the start of the function
It showed which button it clicked
But it still doesnt work when i click the crates
Oh right, it doesn’t work when you click the summon button when you select a crate
Found your fire client.
At the top here add tostring
mainEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(eventType: string, argument1)
if eventType == "Summon" then
local summonedUnit = argument1
local summonedTextLabel = mainGui.SummonTextButton.SummonFrame.CratesFrame.Summoned
summonedTextLabel.Text = "You have summoned: "..summonedUnit
mainGui.SummonTextButton.SummonFrame.CratesFrame.CoinsTextLabel.Text = "Coins: "..player.leaderstats.Coins.Value
Sometimes you have to do the tostring trick. The problem is, you aren’t even passing the variable truthfully. if eventType == “Summon” then is false, because it is returning an instance I believe not a string. It might have been a string going to the server but I can’t exactly remember how it works, just explained to me in various YT videos of this issue.
mainEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(eventTypeIns: string, argument1)
local eventType = tostring(eventTypeIns)
if eventType == "Summon" then
One way of printing statements is to print the logic
if eventType == "Summon" then
Yea i dont know why. I think the local script is the problem.
Ok im going to see if that works
My computer died so im waiting to see if it works so sorry taking long to tell you if worked.
All good TBH it takes more testing than that to see what is happening. Always print your variables, they could even be returning nul, or completely wrong from the server. Just do print(eventType) and print(argument1).
I hate to be that guy but you should improve your scripts… Like a lot. For example, why do you get async without a pcall (2nd one). Also, because you’re saving player data into a table when they leave without properly saving you’re causing a data leak
Oh ok so how would i make it better because im not super experienced with datastores but i knkw enough.
local data = nil
local tries = 5
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
data = coreDataStore:GetAsync(key)
while tries > 0 and not data do
data = coreDataStore:GetAsync(key)
tries -= 1
if not success or not data then --[[Custom handling here or you can kick the player]] end
if data then
coins.Value = data[1]
for i,v in pairs(data) do
if i > 1 then
local ownedUnit = Instance.new("BoolValue", ownedUnits)
ownedUnit.Name = v
ownedUnit.Value = true
Hey so it didnt work and i think i did everything you said.
mainEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(eventTypeIns: string, argument1)
local eventType = tostring(eventTypeIns)
if eventType == "Summon" then
local summonedUnit = argument1
local summonedTextLabel = mainGui.SummonTextButton.SummonFrame.CratesFrame.Summoned
summonedTextLabel.Text = "You have summoned: "..summonedUnit
mainGui.SummonTextButton.SummonFrame.CratesFrame.CoinsTextLabel.Text = "Coins: "..player.leaderstats.Coins.Value