Sumperliminal like gameplay

I want to make a game based of of this incredible game called “Superliminal”

Is there any possible way I could make a similar system with a tool

Okay, first Thai goes in #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support, second, for that you would have to mess up with Camera and mouse and objects size etc., not sure if there’s actually an easy way of doing this

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Seems hard to me… if you actually manage to do this I’ll be amazed

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you know what, I take that as a challenge


Also, I may have an idea, you would get the position of the object, the get the distance of the Player from the object and based off of that change the Size of the object

robloxapp-20230303-1946116.wmv (3.7 MB)

you mean like this

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I am working on making it better

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nevermind, I don’t want to waste any more time

EDIT: I am now continuing to work on this, I was just tired

robloxapp-20230304-1123202.wmv (5.3 MB)
check this out