Sunsetting on May 22, 2023

If I’ll be honest I kinda liked the older API more because of its ease of access. The new one feels a little cluttered and the search bar too, but I guess this is just change itself.

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My mistake(I often think of people mentioning JavaScript as in Node), however if your website has a backend couldn’t you use that to make the requests?

Even if each API has a section cluttered on the creator’s hub, I refuse to use a lot of time to find them all scattered around in sub-pages.
swagger is much easier to use, even if there was only links to each subdomain.
Swagger should be used on in order to list all the different subdomains.


oh damn lol, thought it was discontinued quite a while ago

The documentation for, which is limited to Open Cloud, confined to one section – Cloud | Roblox Creator Documentation – with each service (top-level route) having its own page.

As for the main API services, these are not documented on the Creator Hub as they are intended primarily for internal use, but there are still numerous community resources that document them all in one place; almost all service subdomains have Swagger documentation, only a few highly-restricted ones do not.

Not all endpoints available from are Open Cloud. Some are used on the Creator Dashboard for universe analytics and other stuff. All of these are undocumented APIs being used in newer work by Roblox.

Not all endpoints require any authentication (example), or only use the traditional cookie authentication and not Open Cloud API keys (universes/v1/universes/create)

It’s a weird mix of things, and I’m not sure why Roblox has done this and continued to build on top of it. Either way these endpoints are being recommended as alternatives for APIs being removed that were previously documented, and are only documented on the original thread which as previously mentioned is easy to lose and not clear.

For any of you who depend on the endpoints on, here’s a list of associated endpoints that are housed in supported microservices:

GET /incoming-items/counts → Split into two endpoints.



GET /users/{userId} → GET{userId}

GET /users/get-by-username → POST

Rest are on the OP’s previous announcement. These are just the most common ones / remain listed on the URL’s docs.


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