Sunsetting Studio support for Windows 7, 8.1, and MacOS 10.13

Why not just get a custom Windows distro designed like WIndows 8.1 [Metro10]?
You can also install .appx files on Windows 10 to replace the Windows Store shutting down.

For reference I’m going with Vibranihorn and if you can’t get a custom version, just use WIndows 10’s full screen start menu.

[This is a positive comment, by the way. When Roblox stops supporting it, you should try those!]


Totally agree, I often face issues with users complaining about my game crashing on their 2GB RAM Phone which is simply not enough for the engine I coded into my game.


Seeing the replies I think Roblox should definitely remove old phone support like iPhone 4 (yes, I’m serious.) and older android phones too, I think we are far away from loads of good features because we’re limited to older phones.


Dude, you’re making yourself sound miserable.


Then we need to do it for CLIENT not just Studio


someone should make a post listing every feature dropped because old phones could not handle it


Not the design, but win 10 proposing issues which didnt exist in 7 such as forced updates, the built in antivirus slowing the whole machine down and addware, if we take 2 identical computers in terms of hardware, the win 7 would outperform win 10, it runs roblox and studio much better in terms of performance


As a win 7 user, I’ve been struggling making games at such low rate of frame, which was making me uncomfortable. Now I won’t be able to use studio, all my hard work will be for nothing.
And even if I’ll be able to upgrade my windows to 10, support will be dropped as well, because I recently heard that updates won’t be aviable. I will feel the last days of struggle, before I reach it out to pain.


“woo I use the latest version of buggy windows!!”


From what I’ve seen, with an optimized version of Windows 10 seems to not cause any noticeable performance differences from 7, and this testing was done on a 2006 laptop with an Intel Core 2 Duo.

Alot of the negative points people make about Windows 10 can be countered by user configuration (which yeah, does suck since 7 was optimized pretty well at install.) Have you tried using a less bloated 10 release like Windows 10 Enterprise IoT LTSC?


What if we sunset Roblox support for Windows 10 for the 14 october 2025 ,it looks pretty good we end his support in his deathsday

I am on Windows 11 and the OS is super fantastic


imagine hating on windows 10 smh

this could never be me


I’m glad you didn’t get any of the bloatware Win11 has, but most of us are gonna stick to Win10.
Roblox is probably gonna support windows 10 until 2028-2030, and if they ended support now, they would lose about 10-13% of their income.


I’m still on Windows 7 ;-;

But I’m wondering, will Roblox keep client support for Windows 7 and 8.1 for at least another year or so?


They won’t :(.

The best thing you can do is download Windows 10 and get a windows 7 mod or smth


But why not? In 2017 when Roblox ended Studio support for Windows XP, they still kept client support for XP and Vista until 2019.


I would be curious because I can’t make it happen on my machines. Even after disabling every possible service, you can’t disable the anti-virus or the anti-tamper protection that turns it back on after you disable the anti-virus. :rofl: Windows 10 has a bunch of updates that fail half the time trying to install them with no way to fix that, further slowing down the system because it’s constantly trying to update in the background unless you disable windows update, which is a bad idea from a security standpoint. Finally Microsoft puts up a nag screen every so many boots trying to sell you backup services, account services, blah blah services, etc. Advertisements in the start menu. :face_vomiting: Yet, another thing you can’t disable. Sure, once you get past all of this, the “system performance” is the same as Windows 7.

But I can count on one hand how many seconds it takes to boot Windows 7, I can use the same hand to count how many seconds it takes to login. Using the same hand again, I can count how many seconds it takes to start Studio. To do the same thing in Windows 10 varies from a full minute to several minutes depending on what Microsoft is doing in the background that day.

I don’t blame Roblox for this. I don’t get angry that they are dropping Win7/8 support either. But for those that have gone the long migration path from the days of Windows NT, moving to the next Windows OS usually resulted in a faster, more stable experience. This is the only time I’ve seen it take a step backwards with Windows 10. :neutral_face:


Oh yeah, I will say starting up tasks on an older machine running 10 is definitely slower and tedious, it’s definitely helped if you have a Solid State drive in your machine though.
As for Windows Update on 10, I usually disable pulling certain updates through the policy editor such as the horrible drivers Microsoft will try and install, and then have the service disabled for 6/7 days of the week.


Who even can use windows 7 and 8.1? Even I honestly can’t use it


I used to use Win7, but I did crash ALL THE TIME.
Thankfully I upgraded to Win11.
Anyways this is not a good day for the people using Win7 to Win8.1