Surface Gui buttons wont work! Help

I’ve looked in a lot of places for a solution but none of them have worked or even helped. Basically my issue is that I have a part in the workspace that is the adornee for a surface gui that i have in startergui and this gui has buttons! However the buttons only work when the gui is set to AlwaysOnTop which is extremely unhelpful for what im trying to do.

Here is a video:

buttons in surfaceGUIs can only work when you put it in StarterGui. put your gui in StarterGui then set the Adornee to the part


Maybe the ToolPunchThroughDistance is a little wrong.

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Did you read my description at all? It is in the startergui


Maybe, the current solution I found is that the buttons only work if the part that the surface gui is connected to is set to cancollide on

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Do you have errors? If not, is your code in a LocalScript?

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No errors at all, its in a server script and has local script buttons. The current solution ive found is to turn can collide on and make the surface gui part in a different collision group from the players

I had the same issue, but it can be fixed by setting CanQuery to true if the adornee has CanCollide set to false!

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