SurfaceAppearance not working for certain meshes

Basically I want to insert this metal texture to my meshes. It works very good for the ones on the right, but doesn’t seem to be working for the ones on the left. I don’t know what causing that. I think the only think the left ones have in common is that they are rectangular-shaped, but there’s this one flat block on the right and it works fine. I made all of those as unions in Studio and then exported them into .obj, besides the flat block - I just inserted a meshPart into workspace.

If you look closely, the texture is just repeated over and over as small images:

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It looks like a UV issue, can you send us the obj model?

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floor.obj (92.6 KB)
ring.obj (81.7 KB)
2nd is working, 1st is not.

I’ve found this thread thanks to your suggestion, but it didn’t work for me. I’ve tried exporting those meshes as FBX in Blender and turned on New Mesh Importer. Still the same issue.

Edit: When I try to add the texture in blender it still works only for the ring mesh.

OK, this is really weird and I don’t understand at all. Maybe the issue lies within Roblox exporting or unioning system. Here we see two rings - the only difference is that the hole goes all through the one on the right. But there are also two blocks - one on the left was a normal part, exported as .obj and imported back as a meshPart. The one on the right was a new meshPart inserted into Workspace.

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I have not used the Union in system on mesh parts from blender opting instead for weld constraints but in general what I import is what I see. I’ve tried many times to catch Roblox in an error buy reloading it into blender and it’s been my fault.

If you are using the union system, it looks like the UV mapping is disappearing completely. It doesn’t know what to do with it. That seems like a reasonable solution considering how UV maps are put together

If you want to fix UV mappings in blender, it’s a series of seams until you get a good unwrap and then you resize it and pack islands

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But why does the union system work correctly for other meshes? (like this ring here and this triangle thing from the first post) They were all made the same way - in Studio by unioning. But weirdly, it can’t UV map basic shapes like a block.

I don’t know that I can make sense of this (it does appear to be a bug), but I can direct you to the Boolean modifier in Blender which actually does a better job than Roblox unions! And it’s still in blender, so you can fix UV map problems while you are there.

There’s a small learning curve to it, but you already know unions in Roblox so you might pick it up quickly.



I think I’ll just do some UV unwrapping. Thanks for your help!

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