SurfaceAppearance Studio Beta [Released]

I cant wait for it to be a texture too so u can create like 3d looking wood plank floors but still be a texture.


@WoodReviewer, I think the textures will always remain the same. I don’t technically know if the textures are for a fact going to be remastered.


This is the coolest visual feature for Roblox since the announcement of FIB and I am so excited for this!

Im especially looking forward to the proper alpha thats in SurfaceAppearance as transparent textures clipping has been an issue of our game Roblox Titanic

But I have encountered some issues with the feature that are visually displeasing and I would to have fixed before I use this feature.

Here I am uploading an iron dome PNG to the textureID of a Meshpart and on another mesh Im putting it in the colormap of the surface appearance. Immediately im noticing the lines are thicker on the SurfaceAppearance texture. As I move away the lines becomes even more thick.This happens in both the Overlay and Transparency modes of SurfaceAppearance.

Below is the screenshot on the left but zoomed it. You can see the details get lost and the texture becomes murky and very dark. Im not even zoomed out that far and already it looks less realistic.
surface appearance issue 2

I then tried it on a balustrade texture and now not only do I have the issue where the lines get thicker but now along the edges where the colored pixels meets the alpha pixels it creates visual noise.

I did not have this issue with the dome so I copy and pasted the texture into the surface appearance of the dome mesh and there is no noise. So im thinking that maybe the issue is with the meshpart? so I uploaded other meshparts to studio but the noise issue still shows up.

I really hope these issue can get fixed and if I need to upload this to a bug report just let me know.


Is there a reason why this doesn’t work with regular parts? The built-in materials have normal, specular, etc. maps and they work with parts.

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I wish it will be in studio soon. I used to make some and tried them, it looks pretty cool ! Maybe you could see if we can have quite the same param. as textures, could be good to resize the texture. If it wasn’t added yet, I don’t remember. But on my new project, it will look even better ! Maybe you’ll have to work a bit on optimisation as well to make it work for low-end computers !

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Yeah, me too! This new addition will bring amazing things.

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Does anyone know when PBR can be used in things like terrain and stuff?


Very Exciting, I Will Use this Very Well With Some of My Friends

Roblox’s graphics quality will become almost limitless after this I’m Amazed with how this Engine has Formed over the years and am still very excited to see how it will continue to grow.

I hope these updates will soon end the Era of Simulator games and Encourage many more artistic based games. (I’m not saying simulators are bad just excited to move on from the genre)


SurfaceAppearance is looking great so far, we can’t wait for it to be released for everyone!


seems like that metallic surfaces do not react to dynamic lights. is this a
bug? it seems to do that with every light source I can use.



Edit: Would also like to have sliders to adjust how these maps and stuff react in the lighting so i can add more metallic or lessen it or change heightmap effect.


As a 2008 Roblox player, I can compare the two and say holy crap you’re right. Man these are some good steps in the right direction and I cannot wait to see how good my childhood game will turn out because of it.

Roblox is on a good roll, and I like where it’s going graphically.


Can’t wait for this update, when it comes out!


I made an AK-12 and textured it in Substance Painter, but when I imported the model and textures the model looked way off how it looks in Substance Painter.

The problem I have is that the big difference in color ( shade ). Where in Substance Painter the handguard and the body of the gun are similar shade due to multiple maps combined, in Roblox it seems that its ignoring metalness map or that its too weak. I inverted all the maps to see what seems to be the problem and everything is the same. The problem I think is either not correct lighting or that there is something wrong with metalness map.

( How it looks in Roblox, notice the difference in shading with handguard and body )

( This is how the model looks without the metalness map, similar to how it looks in Roblox with all the maps )


( This is with inverted Metalness map, similar if not same result as in roblox with all the maps )

So my conclusion is that the problem is either in lighting ( Substance Painter uses HDRI ) or metalness map, maybe the way it read metalness map is wrong or something similar.

It would be great if I could contact people who work on SurfaceAppearance so that we can discuss this and I can give them the model and textures


Definitely. Can you send me your source files and also the roblox place file so I can check your lighting settings?


Note there’s a corruption bug with importing pure grayscale images that sometimes makes the surface look red. A fix should be available a little over a week from now. In the mean time anyone who’s hit this might be able to work around this by adding a slightly colored pixel to your image.


Dude I’m with you on that too. Because when I was starting to use substance painter to create some textures on my 3d model pbr project. I started to exported on the pbr metallic roughness, and the textures had popped up some red images, which it should suppose to export the pbr textures like that. And I just need some help how to export the pbr substance properly

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Looks amazing so far! Hope the bug gets fixed.

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As I said on the other development post… this is innovation. This game has come from so little to so much. I can’t wait to see how far it goes when it comes to the realism aspect.


Thanks for sending the model. I’ll reply here because I think this is a problem a lot of people will run into.

There are a few big differences in Substance that cause models to look different from Roblox:

  • Different lighting environment (environment map, light size, etc)
  • Different lighting equations
  • Different tonemapper

So models will generally look a little different in Roblox compared to other tools. If you want to get as close as possible to realistic PBR lighting in Roblox, you should set Ambient and OutdoorAmbient to 0,0,0 and set EnvironmentDiffuseScale and EnvironmentSpecularScale to 1. This removes artificial ambient light and replaces it with light from the environment (currently just the sky if your object is outdoors).

In the case of your AK-12, your MetalnessMap has values in the range of 50-80%, and your ColorMap has values around 20-30%. This means that the body of your gun is 20-50% plastic plus 50-80% “black” metal which is not reflecting much light at all, so it looks mostly like plastic in direct sunlight.

Unless you’re going for a very specific effect, I recommend following Substance’s PBR Guide. Two important points:

  • Metalness is generally either 0% for non-metal parts of the surface or 100% for metals. Values in-between are generally used for metal corrosion and oxidation or thin layers of dirt and grunge. You rarely encounter heterogeneous materials that are a metal and non-metal mix.
  • The ColorMap determines the reflectivity of overlapping 100% metal pixels in the MetalnessMap. Metals generally have reflectivity values in the 70-100% range, which is 180-255 sRGB.

Why do materials sometimes suddenly “break” where I have to re-apply the textures to make them show up again?

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