Table.clear should be documented

In this page, table.clear should be documented: table | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

table.clear is a relatively new addition to the table library added on release 456 ( but it isn’t documented anywhere. It should be.


Could this be because table.clear has not actually been released?

It is released. It’s live in studio and in-game. The release notes page tends to be out-of-date.


Odd and interesting, I checked Tables and it isn’t found in here either, and it was 3 releases ago, so I don’t see why it couldn’t be there?

A slip in the system I say, and it does say that table.clear is still pending.

Release notes have many released features still marked as ‘Pending’, and this appears to be another case of that.

TweenService:GetValue works now, and has worked for a long time, yet the release notes still say ‘Pending’.

If you try using table.create it will work without error, as expected.

local t = {1}
print(t[1]) --> nil

Yes, but maybe it’s pending for a reason, such as maybe certain data isn’t released with it yet.

Hey! Thanks for this report. I’ve just logged it, and the team will get to it when they can. :slight_smile:


I’ve added table.clear to the page, which should update soon. Thanks for reporting it to the team!


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