Table.concat() suddendly doesn't work

So ~6 hours ago, before the update, table.concat() worked fine but now it errors because the table contains instances.

Here’s the problematic line:

print(string.format("%s has %s as dependencies", tostring(currentButton.Name), table.concat(currentButton.DependOn:GetChildren(), ", ")))

And here’s the error:

(it says that it’s on line 75 and also 64 but that’s because I use a coroutine)

I tried searching a function to convert every value in a table to a string but without success.

Any help is appreciated!

thats because the contents of the :GetChildren() is a bunch of Instance’s


Yes I know, said it in the original post, but it used to work a few hours back.
My question is that is there any way to transform all the instances into strings, even with :GetChildren?

a lazy solution is that you could do a for loop and insert the name of each instance to a table

Thank you, I’m going to try it. But are there any other more efficient solutions, especially just for a print() statement?

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you can concatenate the name onto a string variable instead:

local joined = ''
for _, v in instances do
   joined ..= v.Name
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oh for that you can use table.foreach(print) (would just print it individually instead of one string if that whats you want)

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isnt foreach deprecated though?

(to add to the conversation: what i’d do is something like:

print((function() local s = "" for i, v in pairs(currentButton.DependOn:GetChildren()) do s = s..v..", " end return s)())

i dont think so, its still visible on the table documentation with show deprecateds off

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But it doesn’t work anymore, it just returns nil now.
(And Studio underlines it in yellow and says that it is deprecated)

based on this post im pretty sure it is deprecated

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oh, that’s weird, sorry for the confusion

which one doesn’t work?

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table.foreach() doesn’t work, if that’s what you were asking for

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