Tag Editor Plugin

How do I add instances? I know how to make instances, but not how to connect them to the UI…? (Not sure how to call it)

Does anyone know if this plugin is still being worked on? If not, is there a better alternative to use?

It appears this plugin has broken to some extent with recent updates (can’t change tag colors, lots of studio errors, etc)

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Are there any plans to fix this plugin? Several features within it are completely broken and have been for ~six months.

  • Instance list showing 0 instances, even if there are some (depends on the tag)
  • Instance list back button not working
  • Cannot change Tag Visualisation color by any means
  • Studio Tag Visualisations extremely buggy (some won’t turn off, icon will show the wrong state, some are randomly on when you launch studio) perhaps related to Team Create

Edit: This plugin is so valuable that I wish it were a default plugin, it’s hard to use certain workflows without it.


bump - the tag window doesn’t open anymore & world view is broken on my studio, making it impossible to use and I’ve tried reinstalling. A bit disappointing because developing my game heavily relies upon being able to visually see and modify tags


WOW! This is extremely useful, thank you very much!

I just released v2.1.1 which fixes the issue introduced this morning by the Studio update.


I’m super pumped to see an update for this- are there any plans to fix some of the other features that are broken?

Mostly the issue is with the tag visualizations being super buggy- currently, I can’t get all of them to disappear no matter what I do. Every time I re-enable World View a random selection of tags is visible, and upon trying to hide these often the Tag Editor window will completely break, not allowing me to select any tag properties.



I just released a new feature update, v3. It also includes fixes for several bugs that have been around for years.

Please let me know if there’s any new issues, or any old issues that haven’t been fixed. Showing the error message or steps to reproduce the problem helps me a lot with fixing them.


I think all the tag visualization issues you’ve run into should be fixed now. Not sure about the instance list though, I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue.

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Seems to have an issue with World View on parts inside of a model, in a model, … , in a model not showing it’s SelectionBox, Outline, or showing that it’s a part of the Collection when hovering over it?

As a fix for this,
TagEditor > Plugin > Components > WorldView > WorldProvider

If a primarypart still wasn’t found after going through the Model’s GetChildren, go through the Model’s GetDecendants then.

for obj, _ in pairs(self.trackedParts) do
	local class = obj.ClassName
	if class == "Model" or class == "Folder" then
		local primary = obj.PrimaryPart
		if not primary then
			local children = obj:GetChildren()
			for i = 1, #children do
				if children[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
					primary = children[i]
			if not primary then --really dig for an item to attach to...
				local children = obj:GetDescendants()
				for i = 1, #children do
					if children[i]:IsA("BasePart") then
						primary = children[i]
				if not primary then
					warn("No primary item was found for "..obj:GetFullName())
		if primary then
			local entry = {
				AngularSize = partAngularSize(primary.Position, obj:GetExtentsSize()),
				Instance = obj,
			sortedInsert(newList, entry, sortFunc)

Edit: Unless that it is exactly intended to only collect it’s own items inside the Model as the Collection, I instead rather treat everything inside a Model Collection as belonging to that collection.

To also fix the ToolTip, the info of the hovered over model’s Collection
Tag Editor > Plugin > Components > TooltipView

after “for _i = 1, 10 do”, if a Collection hadn’t yet been found, then try checking through the first RayCast .Parents

	--if a setState wasn't found, check what the mouse is hitting
	-- and scroll through the Raycasted parents until hit workspace or no parent
	if not part then
		local mouse = UserInput:GetMouseLocation()
		local ray = camera:ViewportPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
		local params = RaycastParams.new()
		params.IgnoreWater = true
		params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
		local direction = ray.Direction.Unit * 1000
		local cast = workspace:Raycast(ray.Origin, direction, params)
		local result = cast and cast.Instance
		if result then
			local parent=result;
			for _i = 1, 20 do
				if parent==game or parent==workspace then
				parent=parent.Parent; --loop out of the parent of the currently selected item.
				local parentTags = Collection:GetTags(parent)
				if parentTags and #parentTags > 0 then
					part = parent
					tags = parentTags
					-- future suggestion is to probably check
					-- for MULTIPLE collections that the part
					-- is probably inside of.
	Part = part,
	Tags = tags,

Example of what this fixes when the Model is the only one in the ‘Collection’ with its following Children and Decendants



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This is awesome. However, the visualization for Attachments is quite large. Could you please add a setting to configure that?

Also, the Tag Window can’t be toggled from outside the world view (ClickableWhenViewportHidden is false), which is mildly annoying because I sometimes do things in the Explorer while in a script view.

EDIT: The plugin also doesn’t preload images, resulting in certain things (i.e. indeterminate checkboxes) taking a couple seconds to load when they are first encountered.

EDIT 2: While trying to fit the plugin into my layout, I’m actually becoming quite concerned about the relatively large font size. Look at it compared to the Explorer:


Hi there! I found a bug in your plugin. When trying to view the tagged instances for a specific tag, I’m getting this error.

Hey mate, I just got an error with your plugin. Can you find out what it is? I think it’s supposed to add the tagged objects in the TagList folder but it doesn’t. The tagged objects certainly have a ClickDetector inside them too.


ClickDetector is not a valid member of Configuration "ServerStorage.TagList.Structures"

It won’t show the tags for me

you don’t need to use this plugin anymore because roblox added their own tag editor

