Adding onto this: does task.defer add some performance benefit over task.spawn / spawn / coroutines? Since it’s stated it doesn’t care for exact timing and all.
Changing the parent of an instance during a parent change operation will result in the following warning being shown and the parent remaining the same.
Something unexpectedly tried to set the parent of <Instance> to NULL while trying to set the parent of <Instance>. Current parent is <Parent>.
When signaling behavior is set to immediate (the default), ancestry changed events fire during the parent change operation so running the code in @tnavarts’s example, where ‘Destroy’ is called directly, will produce the warning above.
By deferring the call to ‘Destroy’, the parent change happens after the parent change operation but still within the same resumption cycle (so almost immediately).
The code doesn’t run immediately but will still be processed before the engine can move onto its next step. It’s not really any different other than it doesn’t block the code which is currently running.
whats the advantage over coroutine.wrap?
I think you should rather replace the behavior of the old wait() with the new task.wait()
Isn’t this a bug in Roblox which should be fixed?
It’s not a “bug” in that coroutine.wrap
/ coroutine.resume
propagate errors in the same way that they do in vanilla Lua, they just don’t have the extra behavior that Roblox adds for convenient debugging in Studio. It makes sense to have a separate library like this if you want the Roblox behaviors so that vanilla Lua code can be brought into the engine from other sources and work as expected.
I see no need for this at all
task.wait() is fine as it is, besides if wait() is deprecated then it WON’T be updated anymore, it is still going to be useable so older games don’t break
I don’t think it’s all evil in all honestly. I use spawn() mainly for its task scheduler functionality which helps performance a lot in looped events such as character leg movement replication, bullet replication and stuff which doesn’t need to be ran instantly
@WallsAreForClimbing and @tnavarts, looking at the spec provide for task.wait() and docs for wait() you can see they do not return the same number of parameters. wait() returns the duration and the total game time, whereas task.wait() is only returning the duration. Devs should be aware of this difference when updating their code.
Is there any reason to not make task.wait return both parameters?
Below is the last 4 lines of the current Character.Animate script for reference. You will get unexpected behaviour assuming they are equivalent and just replace wait() with task.wait().
while Character.Parent ~= nil do
local _, currentGameTime = wait(0.1)
changing to task.wait(0.1) will not give you the expected results:
while Character.Parent ~= nil do
local _, currentGameTime = task.wait(0.1)
Does this mean that task.wait()
has a minimum time of 1/60 instead of wait()
's minimum time of 1/30?
Much less than 1/60 in fact!
print(task.wait()) --> 0.00097130000000334
If you task.wait()
during the Heartbeat part of the frame, then it will wait until the next Heartbeat (roughly 1/60), but if you task.wait()
in an earlier part of the frame (such as on RenderStepped
), it won’t even wait a full frame, it will unsuspend on Heartbeat of the same frame.
For reference, a frame works like this:
Are you sure about this? If you create a LocalScript, do task.spawn(function() while wait(1) print(1) end), and then delete it, it will stop printing.
Very much yes! Is this a solution to deferred events? Will this allow Parallel Luau to exist without breaking all event-handling code across all existing games?
Are you able to disconnect task.delay? I want to disconnect task.delay if a certain condition is met so it doesn’t run and I’m having trouble doing that.
Can’t you just add an if statement inside the function passed to task.delay
and check if a certain condition met like that?
This is what I’m trying to do basically. Say you press the F key, it will turn the part red, then after 0.5 seconds, it will turn the part green. However, if you press the F key while the part is red, then I want it to disconnect the current task delay, and add another 0.5 seconds of wait time before the part turns green. I can’t think of another solution, I’m probably missing something obvious, any help would be appreciated.
local conn
function TurnPartRed()
if conn ~= nil then
conn = nil
Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)
conn = task.delay(0.5, function()
Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
You can add a variable that stores the last time F key was pressed then check if current time subtracted by the latest F key input time is bigger equal than 0.5:
local conn
local LastFKeyPressTime = 0
function TurnPartRed()
if conn ~= nil then
conn = nil
LastFKeyPressTime = os.clock()
Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)
conn = task.delay(0.5, function()
if os.clock() - LastFKeyPressTime >= 0.5 then
Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
Thank you that works perfectly! Although my micro-optimisation brain tells me there should be a way to disconnect or stop the task.delay because a lot of them could build up. However this solution is good, wouldn’t run into any issues with loads of task.delay functions being called anyway. Thanks ;D
You normally do this with a cancellation token:
local doTheThingNumber = 0
function DoTheThing()
doTheThingNumber += 1
local thisDoTheThingNumber = doTheThingNumber
task.delay(0.5, function()
if thisDoTheThingNumber == doTheThingNumber then
-- Do the thing
You can even wrap the whole pattern in a higher order function (function that returns another function) if you’re going to be using it a lot:
function SingleDelayedFunc(delay, f)
local token = 0
local function handler(myToken, ...)
if myToken == token then
return function(...)
token += 1
task.delay(delay, handler, token, ...)
local doTheThing = SingleDelayedFunc(0.5, function(arg1, arg2)
print(arg1, arg2)
doTheThing(1, 3)
doTheThing(4, 5)
There’s still the problem that the delayed function is eventually going to be called no matter what. Long-running “cancelled” delays will still be sitting uselessly in the scheduler. Additionally, if you pass a thread, you can’t safely reuse it until the delay is finished, or it will be resumed unexpectedly.
It would be great if delay returned a function or something that actually cancelled the delayed call.