Yes this work is done will with a pure and vivid passion, and you put a lot of heart into it. Keep up the great work!
Friend req sent, hope to talk soon.
I’ve known ted for a while now, and I can say he’s a genuine guy. He puts dedication into his work and works day in and day out. He’s insanely talented at what he does and I recommend hiring him if you’re in need of Ui.
I have added you on disc. Name’s bikebike2014#7473
I’ve sent you a friend request on discord. Wrenchineer#8289
This is epic I love the design and the text
Very Nice work, very expensive work lmao
Can easily recommend Ted to anybody who needs UI for their game. It amazes me just how quickly he can get things done, and whenever I asked for changes for the UI he made for my game, he did just so without hesitation.
Not only did he make ASTONISHING UI for my team, he did it LESS THAN A DAY!
@TedArthur Expect to be commissioned again by us in the future and keep up the great work for all of these talented roblox developers!
Is the 250 range mentioned applied to just Photoshop only portion of UI Design? I’m a little unclear there. I’m aware you import them to roblox and and what not along with other services you provide like FX, and texturing.
I sent you a friend request on Discord the name is BK
Ted has been the BEST UI designer I’ve ever worked with. He exceeds my expectations, works fast, professional, and great to work with!
Okay, I just wan’t to ask you an question, how do you import your UI into Studio, @TedArthur ?
I use PhotoShop as welll but I don’t really know how to do it efficiently.
Super fast, and well worth the price.
Did not disappoint
You have incredible work!!! I can see you put heaps of passion into your work, and I (as a noob) now aspire to design UIs like you!!
Once I get started on a project of mine I might be interested to work with you in the future!
Can you do payment by the % of what a game makes?
Good luck on sales, quality UI’s here, and full sets of UI’s to match everything in the game. Can’t go wrong with a game you believe in when hiring ted. 250$ will be nothing
Reached out Thanks, Also sent a discord invite ROWG_Leader#3822
Portfolio updated! Lots of previous work has been added, please scroll all the way day of the “UI” showcases drop down tab to view all of the newly added UI pictures that I’ve added!
Just commissioned my first UI from Ted. Honestly, I’ve never seen somebody who works as fast and diligently as Ted. He works on your commission and does edits without hesitation, he has the best work ethic I’ve seen. I would recommend Ted to anyone.