Teethyz Dentist

This document includes all of the procedures that Teethyz Dentist offers. A reminder to always wear scrubs at the dentist . As well as, before starting an appointment, you are required to welcome your client, followed by washing + drying your hands, then putting on gloves and a mask.

How to work at Reception:

Working at Reception is one of the many jobs here at Teethyz. The steps are quite simple! First, you take a seat in the Receptionist desk (you can tell it is a receptionist desk because it has the black office chairs). Once you have found the Receptionist chairs, you may then continue on with the following steps!

Step 1 - Greet your client! You’re the first face they see when they walk through the doors for the first, or the last time! Make sure to be kind, and considerate. You can use the following example for a greeting:

“Hello, welcome to Teeth’yz Dentist! My name is (username), how may I help you on this spectacular day?”

Step 2 - Look in the bottom right of your screen. You should see a “phone” icon. Next to it (when sitting in the chair), there should be an icon that looks like a person. You will click it.

Step 3 - Before you start to fill out anything, inform your client that you will now be filling out their card, and to please be patient as you administer their card.

Step 4 - After clicking it, a GUI will appear, where you will have to type in the clients username, and their desired appointment. In the first line, where you will type their username, make sure to type their full username, and correctly! Be aware of any capital “i’s” to look like lowercase “L’s.” Then, in the second column, you will then type in the client’s desired appointment. Make sure you actually type in their appointment, as they can see what you typed into it!

Step 5 - Once you have done this, enter their card, and inform them to please take a seat in the waiting room! Then, repeat your steps with each client!

How to find a client:

Finding a client is simple and not as hard, (or nerve-wracking) as it sounds! As long as you follow these steps and this appointment guide, your appointments will be done beautifully and perfectly. Make sure to have your greeting prepared!

Step 1 - Head to the waiting room and find someone who is sitting!

Step 2 - Greet yourself! You may say something similar to the following, or completely different! Make sure it stays professional!

“Hello, welcome to Teeth’yz Dentist! My name is (username), what did you come in for today?”

Step 3 - After they’ve told you their appointment. Make sure your rank is capable of doing this appointment. If not, inform them that you’re unable to do their appointment due to your rank, and that a higher rank than you will be with them soon to do their appointment! If you’re capable, move onto the next step.

Step 4 - Ask your client to hold out their card, and click the “clipboard” tool in your tools (for PC it would be clicking the number “1”). After you’ve done that, put in their username, making sure that it’s all correct! Staying aware that capital “i’s” can look like lowercase “L’s.” Then, admit them!

Step 5 - Take them back. They will not be allowed through the doors (even if you’ve admitted them) if they are holding out their card. So if they are holding their card, ask them to de-select their card. Then do their appointment and continue with the following!

Step 6 - After you’ve done your appointment, make sure to un-admit them. You can do this by pulling up your clipboard, typing in their username correctly, and pressing “unadmit.”

Check-up (Dental Assistant):

Start off this procedure by asking the client a few questions, at least 3 questions must be asked.

Questions you must ask:

  • How often do you brush (and floss) your teeth daily?
  • When was your last visit to the Dentist?
  • Have you had any recent problems with your teeth that I should be informed about?

After you’ve finished asking your client these three questions, you will then move onto asking them to open their mouth so you can begin with your procedure. When your client has done so, you will begin by looking around at their teeth, making sure they don’t have any obvious and major issues wrong with them.
Things you should look for during a check-up:

  • Cavities
  • Plaque / Tartar
  • Wisdom Teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Any other minor issues, relating to those.

If there are problems, let your client know what problems there are and refer them to the correct rank on who can do their appointment; either find a dentist who can sort the issue, or send them back to the lobby and get them another card. If there aren’t any problems, tell them the good news, start to say goodbye, and walk them back to the lobby.

Cleaning (Dental Assistant):

Start off this procedure by asking one question.


  • How often do you brush (and floss) your teeth daily?
    After you’ve asked your client this question, you will then move onto asking them to open their mouth so you can begin with your procedure. When your client has done so, you will begin the following steps:

Step 1 - Hand scale your client’s teeth.

Step 2 - Scale your client’s teeth using a machine.

Step 3 - Rinse and suction their teeth.

Step 4 - Ask your client what flavour toothpaste they would like. If they ask what flavours, inform them that we offer Mint, Cinnamon, Bubblegum and Strawberry. If they say “anything,” choose the mint flavour.

Step 5 - Polish/Brush your client’s teeth thoroughly. (Recommended that you say exactly what you are brushing, being specific).

Step 6 - Rinse and suction.

Step 7 - Floss your client’s teeth with a matching flavour of floss to their toothpaste.

Afterwards, thank them for their cooperation and start to say goodbye. Once done, walk them back to the lobby.

Whitening (Dental Hygiene Specialist):

Before starting the procedure, you need to complete a cleaning on your client, as it’ll improve the appearance of their results after being whitened. Make sure to inform your client beforehand that their teeth and gums may feel sensitive during the treatment. Make sure your client doesn’t have any questions, and after answering any and all questions, have your client open their mouth and proceed to follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Polish your client’s teeth using a polishing paste.

Step 2 - Compare samples from a shade guide, (roleplay, there isn’t a shade guide).

Step 3 - Isolate your client’s teeth using a dental dam.

Step 4 - Place cheek retractors to pull your client’s cheeks and lips out of the way.

Step 5 - Give your client protective glasses, then ask them to put them on
Step 6 - Paint whitening gel / paste onto the surface of your client’s teeth.

Step 7 - Use a bleaching light / laser to increase effectiveness.

Step 8 - Remove the dental dam and retractors.

After removing the dental dam and retractors, ask your client how they are feeling. After they’ve answered, inform them to not eat anything for the next hour or so after, as it will reverse the effects of their whitening. Afterwards, close and take them back to the lobby.

Filling (Dental Hygiene Specialist):

Start off this procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. After you’ve asked this and they have no questions, or you’ve answered their question(s), continue to ask them if they’d like laughing gas to help them relax during their procedure. If yes, apply it. If not, move on. After you’ve done all of this, begin to ask the client to open their mouth so that you can begin with their procedure. After all of this, continue with the steps below:

Step 1 - Inject local anesthetic into the gum surrounding the client’s tooth.

Step 2 - Ask the client if their mouth feels numb.

Step 3 - Rinse and suction.

Step 4 - Place your dental mirror by their tooth, and begin to drill the cavity.

Step 5 - Suction.

Step 6 - Ask your client if they would like Silver or White filling.

Step 7 - Prepare the filling.

Step 8 - Apply the filling.

Step 9 - Dry the filling using a UV light.

Step 10 - Make sure the filling is dry and secure.

After you’ve done all of this, ask your client how they are feeling. After retrieving an answer, inform them to not eat any food for the next hour or so as it’ll get stuck into the filling and / or ruin it. After having done so, walk your client back to the lobby and dismiss.

Bonding (Dental Hygiene Specialist):

Start your procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. If none, move on. Begin by informing them that you will need them to smile bright so you can begin comparing samples on the shade guide. After you’ve said that, move on:

Step 1 - Compare samples using the shade guide.

Step 2 - Polish the surface of the tooth to remove any debris.

Step 3 - Trim the tooth, then rinse and suction.

Step 4 - Place etching gel onto the exposed surface of the tooth and let it sit for awhile.

Step 5 - Thoroughly wash it off.

Step 6 - Apply a bonding agent.

Step 7 - Use UV light to dry the bonding liquid.

Step 8 - Layer a dental composite on the tooth and flatten it to secure the shape.

Step 9 - Use a UV light to initiate it’s set.

Step 10 - Trim and polish the tooth to make sure the shape of the tooth is accurate.

Step 11 - Place a mirror in front of the client’s tooth and ask them to confirm if it’s right for them.

If the fix is correct for them, lead them back to the lobby and dismiss.

Dentures (X-Ray Specialist):

Start off the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. Once you have done this, ask your client to open their mouth. Then complete the following steps.

Step 1 - Examine your clients mouth.

Step 2 - Bring them back to the X-Ray room and follow the X-Ray
tprocedure, making sure they’re able to receive dentures. Bring them back to their room when finished.

Step 3 - Prepare an impression for your client to bite down on.

Step 4 - Prepare the dentures to look like actual teeth.

Step 5 - Place them onto your client’s gums.

Ask your client if the dentures feel secure before bringing them back to the lobby.

Sealant (X-Ray Specialist):

Start off the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. Once you have done this, ask your client to open their mouth. Then complete the following steps.

Step 1 - Examine your client’s mouth. Especially the back teeth.

Step 2 - Bring them back to the X-Ray room and follow the X-Ray
procedure, making sure they’re able to receive sealants. Bring them back to their room when finished.

Step 3 - Give them a cleaning, as this will trap nothing but clean teeth underneath the sealant.

Step 4 - Dry their teeth, using an absorbent material.

Step 5 - Apply cotton around the teeth that will be sealed, to keep them dry.

Step 6 - Apply an acid solution to the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

Step 7 - Rinse and dry their teeth.

Step 8 - Prepare the sealant material.

Step 9 - Paint the sealant onto the tooth enamel.

Step 10 - Use a UV light to cure it.

Inform your client that they are not to eat anything for an hour after this procedure, as it may get stuck in the sealant, and / or reverse the effects of it. Then proceed to ask them if they have any questions / concerns. If none, lead them back to the lobby and dismiss.

Braces (Orthodontist):

Start off this procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. If none, ask your client to come back to the X-Ray room to get an X-Ray of what their teeth look like before they receive their braces. After taking the X-Rays, bring your client back to the room and perform a cleaning on them, informing them that it must be done before starting the braces appointment. Then, ask your client what colour bands they’d like, and ask them to open their mouth.

Step 1 - Place retractors in your client’s mouth.

Step 2 - Clean your client’s teeth with an etching solution.

Step 3 - Rinse and suction.

Step 4 - Lay primer / glue on their teeth.

Step 5 - Place brackets onto your client’s teeth.

Step 6 - Make sure the position of the brackets are accurate.

Step 7 - Use the UV light to dry the primer / glue.

Step 8 - Attach a wire to the bracket and tighten.

Step 9 - Cut/Trim the excess wire.

Step 10 - Place the bands around the brackets.

Afterwards, give your client advice on what to eat and how to take care of them. Inform them that for the next week they are going to be in a bit of pain, but by the next week, it should be okay. Afterwards, you may take them back to the lobby.

Braces Check-up (Orthodontist):

Start off by asking your clients a few questions.


  • Have you had any recent problems with your braces?
  • Does your wire feel too tight or too loose?
  • When was the last time you had your braces checked?

After you’ve done this, you need to ask your client to open their mouth, and continue with the next steps.

Step 1 - Inspect your client’s teeth. It is important that they do not have any cavities or problems with their teeth.

Step 2 - Compare the X-Ray of when they first had their braces put on, to now.

Step 3 - Inform them how their teeth are looking, and give them a rough estimate of how much longer they should have them on.

Step 4 - Ask them if they would like their band changed, and if so, what colour?

Step 5 - Have a quick last check, and ask them if they’d like a quick cleaning, if yes, do that, then continue.

Ask your client if they have been eating the foods directed to them when they got their braces, and if they’ve been using the recommended toothbrush.

After doing so, close and lead them back to the lobby.

Braces Tightening (Orthodontist):

Start off by asking your clients a few questions.


  • Is there any specific part of your mouth that your braces are affecting?
  • Do you feel any “poking” from your braces?
  • Did your wire feel too tight, loose, or just right?

Then, ask them what colour they would like their new bands to be. After you’ve finished, you will begin the procedure by following the steps shown below.

Step 1 - Place a retractor to move their cheeks and lips out of the way.

Step 2 - Remove their current bands and put them onto the tray.

Step 3 - Loosen the current wire and remove.

Step 4 - Grab a new wire and add it, threading it through the brackets.

Step 5 - Tighten the wire. (Loosening, tightening, or keeping it the same. Depending on the answer to their question.)

Step 6 - Cut/Trim the excess wire.

Step 7 - Place their desired colour bands around the brackets.

Step 8 - Suction their mouth.

Step 9 - Disengage the retractor.

After doing so, you will then inform your patient the next time they will need to come in for another tightening (generally every 5-6 weeks). Then, bring them back to the lobby.

Braces Removal (Orthodontist):

Start off by taking your client to the X-Ray room for an X-Ray, then taking them back to the appointment room, and asking your client one question.


  • Would you like a permanent or an all-day retainer?

After you’ve done this, you need to ask your client to open their mouth, and continue with the next steps.

Step 1 - Inspect your client’s teeth. It is important that they do not have any cavities or problems with their teeth.

Step 2 - Deform the base of the brackets using pliers.

Step 3 - Thoroughly remove the remaining bonding glue from your client’s teeth.

Step 4 - Check the clients teeth have no visible issues with them, caused by the braces.

Step 5 - (This step only applies if they choose an all-day retainer, if they choose a permanent one, see the next step.) Inform your client that they will need to wear a retainer for _ (you choose) number of years. And give it to them.

Step 5 - (This step only applies if your patient chooses a permanent retainer.) Trim/Cut a wire to the appropriate size. Glue the wire to the back of their teeth. Use the UV Light to dry.

Step 6 - Show your client the before and after X-Rays of their teeth.

Step 7 - Give your client a cleaning.

After doing so, inform your client that their gum tissue may be slightly inflamed, but it should subside after a few days of good brushing and flossing. As well as that, tell them to not jump straight to eating crunchy and chewy foods as their teeth may be sensitive, due to newly exposed enamel. After doing so, bring them back to the lobby.

Invisalign (Orthodontist):

Start your procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns before you commence. If, or when, no questions, you may begin by asking your client to open their mouth, then continuing with the steps.

Step 1 - X-Ray the client’s teeth & gums. (Use X-Ray appointment guide.)

Step 2 - Prepare the client’s impressions.

Step 3 - Have the client bite down.

Step 4 - Place a cheek retractor, rinse and suction.

Step 5 - Apply the glue/bonding onto the surface of the teeth.

Step 6 - Apply the attachments neatly and gently onto the teeth.

Step 7 - Dry using a blue UV light.

Step 8 - Order multiple sets of aligners, help the client fit them to their teeth.

Continue by asking the client if they have any questions, or concerns about their Aligners. You should then inform the client to wear the aligners at-least 20-22 hours a day. Avoiding foods that may stain/dye the aligners and their teeth. Make them aware that they will need to wear that aligner for 2 weeks before switching to the next. Let them know to use the Teeth’yz Dental Scan app (roleplay) to send pictures of their progress each month. You should also let them know to come in every 4-5 months for an Aligner Check-up. You can also let the client know that their aligners may feel tight for the first few days, their teeth will ease up by the 2-3rd day.

Invisalign Check-up (Orthodontist):

Ask your client if they’ve had any problems with their braces, and if it feels comfortable. Afterwards, follow the steps below.

Step 1 - Examine your client’s teeth.

Step 2 - Test a new pair of aligners. (x3)

Step 3 - Afterwards, have them pick their favourite pair of aligners that has the best fit, and is the most comfortable.

After they’ve chosen a pair, grab a case for their Invisalign and hand it to them. Afterwards, say goodbye and walk them to the lobby.

Spacers (Orthodontist):

Begin by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns, and if not, continue with the following steps.

Step 1 - Move over to the counter to prepare for the spacer.

Step 2 - Place retractors into your client’s mouth.

Step 3 - Place the spacers between your client’s molars.

Step 4 - Secure.

Once you’re done, you’ve completed the procedure. Close and bring your client back to the lobby.

Extraction (Oral Surgeon):

Start the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. If none, ask your client if they’d like to be put to sleep for this procedure. If not, ask your client to open their mouth. Then continue with the steps below.

Step 1 - Inject local anesthetic into the gum so their mouth feels completely numb.

Step 2 - Ask the client if their mouth feels numb.

Step 3 - Rinse and suction.

Step 4 - Loosen the tooth.

Step 5 - Extract / Remove the tooth and place onto a tray.

Step 6 - Rinse and suction.

Ask the client how they are feeling, and ask if they would like the tooth. If so, put it in a small box and give it to them before bringing them back to the lobby.

Dental Implant (Oral Surgeon):

Start the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. If none, ask your client if they’d like to be put to sleep for this procedure. If not, ask your client to open their mouth. Then continue with the steps below.

Step 1 - Inject local anesthetic into the gum so the mouth feels completely numb.

Step 2 - Rinse and suction the mouth while it is starting to numb.

Step 3 - Cut the gum where you will be placing the implant into.

Step 4 - Drill a hole into the jawbone.

Step 5 - Place the implant into the hole

Step 6 - Drill the implant so that it’s secure.

Step 7 - Stitch the gum back.

Step 8 - Rinse and suction.

If they chose to be asleep, wake up the client gently. Ask your client how they are feeling. Ask them if their teeth feel secure, and if so, bring them back to the lobby and dismiss.

Crown (Oral Surgeon):

Start off the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. After that, ask your client to open their mouth and then follow the steps.

Step 1 - Inject the local anesthetic into the gum surrounding the client’s tooth.

Step 2 - Ask your client if their mouth feels numbed.

Step 3 - Rinse and suction.

Step 4 - Drill around the tooth.

Step 5 - Prepare an impression for your client to bite down on.

Step 6 - Prepare a temporary material into the mould and press onto the tooth.

Step 7 - Place the crown on the tooth and hold in place.

Step 8 - Confirm your client’s bite and cement into place.
Ask your client if the crown feels secure. If so, bring them back into the lobby.

Wisdom Tooth Removal (Oral Surgeon):

Start off the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns about the procedure. After that, ask your client if they’d like to be put to sleep for this procedure. If they do, give them general anesthetic to make them fall asleep, and once they have, put a mouth block into their mouth. Afterwards, follow the steps.

Step 1 - Inject local anesthetic into the gum surrounding the tooth.

Step 2 - Suction.

Step 3 - Cut the gum so you can extract the tooth.

Step 4 - Rinse and suction.

Step 5 - Loosen the tooth.

Step 6 - Extract the tooth and place onto a tray.

Step 7 - Stitch the gum back, and put pressure onto it with a tissue.

If the client chose to be asleep, gently wake up the client. If not, continue. Ask your client how they are feeling. Then, ask them if they’d like to have their tooth, and if so, put it into a small box, which you will then hand to them. Say goodbye, dismiss, and walk them to the lobby.

Root Canal (Oral Surgeon):

Start off the procedure by asking your client if they have any questions and / or concerns. Once you have done this, ask your client to open their mouth. Afterwards, continue.

Step 1 - Inject local anesthetic into the gum surrounding the designated tooth.

Step 2 - Isolate the tooth.

Step 3 - Drill the tooth.

Step 4 - Clear away the damaged pulp.

Step 5 - Put a solution into their tooth to clear away any left-over pulp.

Step 6 - Rinse and suction.

Step 7 - Place a crown onto the tooth.

Afterwards, ask your client to come back in 2 weeks for an X-Ray of their tooth. Ask them if they have any questions and / or concerns, if not, bring them back to the lobby, and dismiss them.

X-Ray (X-Ray Specialist - Oral Surgeon):

Start by asking the client what side of their mouth they would like to be X-rayed: Bottom/Upper right or left. Then, continue with the following steps.

Step 1 - Put a lead vest onto your client.

Step 2 - Ask them to stand under the X-Ray Machine, facing the machine, and bite onto the mouthpiece.

Step 3 - Take the X-Rays.

Step 4 - Review their results on the screen.

Step 5 - Inform them what the turnout was.

After this, you will take them back to the lobby and dismiss them.
