Teleport Ban Land

I am trying to make a ban system where if you are banned using the ;ban command you are teleported to a separate game whenever you try to join the main game.

I would appreciate it if anyone could let me know of any sources I could use or some help.

I have tried looking through tutorials, developer forum and everything else I know of and can’t seem to find it.

If anything doesn’t make sense, please let me know.


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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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You could use the player.Chatted method, a table, and TeleportService. When the player (an admin) chats “;ban NoobGuy”, it would find the player named “NoobGuy”, add the player to a table, save the table as a DataStore, and teleport the player to Banland.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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That would work perfectly. Take a look at these links for more help!

These should help you with this
Tables - Insert a new value (player name) when the command is ran.
Player Chatted - Check if the message once this is fired.
Saving Tables - Save the table once the ;ban command is ran
Teleport service - You will use this to teleport the player to the separate game if banned.
Find values in a table - Used for checking if the player’s name is in the table.

Hope I helped! If you need more assistance don’t be afraid to ask.

  • Space

Perfect! Glad I was able to help you. Keep developing!

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  • To execute chat commands you’d have to use the Player.Chatted event function.
  • To teleport visitors to another experience such as a ban land you’d use the TeleportService.
  • To read and write data scopes and values you’d use DataStoreService.
  • In order to send messages in the chat from the Roblox system to view status of commands, you’d use StarterGui:SetCore() function (LOCALLY, this is not used in this example, prints are used as an improvisation)
  • In order to set a list of administrators, you’d use a Table.

Some code I quickly wrote up utilizing the APIs:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService('DataStoreService')
local savedBanData = DataStoreService:GetDataStore('SavedBans') 
local TeleportService = game:GetService('TeleportService')
local Administrators = {448443585, 123456789,} -- UserIDs of your admins
local BanLandGameID = 123456789 -- Replace with your banland's game/experience ID
local placeBanCmd = ";pban " -- place ban (pban)
local removeBanCmd = ";rban " -- remove ban (rban)


	if savedBanData:GetAsync(plr.UserId) then

		local authorised = false

		if table.find(Administrators,plr.UserId) then
			authorised = true

		if not authorised then return end

		if message:sub(1, placeBanCmd:len()):lower() == placeBanCmd:lower() then
			local name = message:sub(placeBanCmd:len() + 1)
			local playerToBan = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(name)
			if playerToBan and table.find(Administrators,playerToBan) then
				print'Cannot use command on administrators'
				-- Cannot use command on administrators

			local playerToBan = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(name)
			if playerToBan then
				print'Successfully banned player'
				-- Successfully banned player
				print'Invalid player'
				-- Invalid player

		elseif message:sub(1, removeBanCmd:len()):lower() == removeBanCmd:lower() then
			local name = message:sub(removeBanCmd:len() + 1)
			local playerToUnBan = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(name)
			if playerToUnBan then
				print'Successfully unbanned player'
				-- Successfully unbanned player
				print'Invalid player'
				-- Invalid player