Teleport player on Reset [SOLUTION]

Hello Developers, I recently discovered that instead of completely disabling the reset button, you can now fire a BindableEvent. However I tried this:

Client Sided Script:

local ResetDetected = game.ReplicatedStorage.ResetDetected
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", ResetDetected)

Server Sided Script:

local ResetDetected = game.ReplicatedStorage.ResetDetected
	player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = workspace.SpawnLocation

Why does it not teleport the player on Reset?

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I’m not really keen on how bindable events work, so I might just be spreading misinformation, but I’m almost sure you’d use remote events here, since you’re moving from client to server.


Customizable Reset Button Logic - Updates / Announcements - Developer Forum | Roblox

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Well , maybe you would need to use game.Workspace.SpawnLocation.CFrame but does the player get still reset like normal? Maybe this interferes with something I’m not sure.

That isn’t the problem. I tested with prints, it simply doesn’t do anything on reset click.

Are you testing it in studio or outside of studio ? ( I thought before an error msg would pop up in studio)

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