Teleport service loading screen from game to game

Hello Developers,

I have recently wanted to implement a loading screen from when a player in my game is teleported to another game linked with that game. The question is how do I do it?


(Island royale when joining the match, you get teleported into another game with this screen)

If anyone has any posts, questions or answers please reply below!



Possible solvers who use this in games: @LordJurrd @Dapale

XY problems. Hmm. Also wrong category, this should be scripting support. This seems to be a mix of design and scripting support.

Possible Solution:

In the very bottom, there is a code sample for it.
Loading Screens | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub – typo

Either put a wait (however long) before teleporting the player and then show the screen or teleport then show the screen for however long would be my way of doing so. In my new game, you will be teleported to a map inside the same game but they’ll be a screen showcasing the map w/ game mode info for about 10 seconds, this is how you could do it as well.

I hope this is what you mean

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It is based on UI so yes and no, I will leave it here though.

Hello @Yeita,

Thanks for your support however I need it based around 2 separate games which you get teleported from one the the other, and in the process, on leaving the game the loading GUI pops up, you leave the game on teleport, the GUI stays on the screen and your inserted into the new game with the GUI in the new game inserted inside StarterGui.

Hope you can reply with more help!

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I’m not super familiar with custom loading screens, but I found this thread that seems like it has a similar goal to what you’re aiming for:

Specifically, you’ll want to check out this article published by Roblox that details in the first half how to disable the default Roblox loading screen and in the second half, how to enable a custom loading screen with two distinct places. Link below:

Perhaps this will be enlightening?

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Once I’m on PC later I’ll DM you if you don’t find your solution! :slightly_smiling_face:

Great response, gives me information, however I want the GUI that is custom to be like this:

It is pre made to pop up when the player goes into the teleport brick, is it possible to make it follow by the name of the GUI instead of inserting new text into the game for the loading stage?


If you want to add a loading screen when teleporting between places, then you just have to give the loading screen GUI to as the customLoadingScreen argument, explained when using teleport.

The link doesn’t work. I’m interested in reading the article, please fix the link. Thanks. :slight_smile:

According to the api page for teleport service

You have to place a custom loading gui in the CoreGui container and use :GetArrivingTeleportGui to retrieve the instance.

Not sure how this works tho. That’s all what the api page says

The link should be fixed. There was a minor typo that I failed to spot out. :anger:

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