Teleported to Loading game and back

I have read the other posts and tried to follow the instructions, but nothing seems to be working, please someone help me! I can add you to ROBLOX studio if necessary.

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What are you talking about? Which other posts? What loading game?

If your game is teleporting you to another game when you join then back to your game this means you likely have a popular backdoor in your game.

Usually the place is “disguised” as a “Place Loading” or “FPS Booster”

I agree, but I don’t know how to find a backdoor.

Search all scripts in your place for malicious code or code you don’t recognize.

This was probably inserted through you having a malicious plugin installed or a malicious freemodel inserted.

Here is some code you can try running in command bar.

local coreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")

local descendants = game:GetDescendants()
local isA = game.IsA

local function couldBeMalicious(descendant)
    local success, isScript = pcall(isA, descendant, "LuaSourceContainer")

    if ((success and isScript) and (not descendant:IsDescendantOf(coreGui))) then
        local source = descendant.Source:lower()

        if (source:match("require") or source:match("getfenv")) then
            return true

for i, descendant in pairs(descendants) do
    if couldBeMalicious(descendant) then

Any orange text in the output should be a path to any potentially malicious code.

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If you have added free models, check all of it for scripts and find scripts than contain


This will most likely be the backdoor trying to be hidden

How do I know if a code is malicious

Usually they attempt to require their code in a third-party type way because this way the codes path is further abstracted and also they can edit the code globally.

The require function can take a number parameter and require any Modules consisting of a ModuleScript named MainModule

Use the code that @EpicMetatableMoment has put above. This will return all the valid scripts that have require inside it therefore they might be your problem

You most likely have a backdoor in your game. If you go into studio and do “ctrl+shift+f” and type in require then find, it should show you all the scripts that requires something. Look through those scripts and find ones that go to games.

Woah there! Be very careful of whom you let into you projects/games! That person may put a backdoor in your game, so be extra careful when giving access to your game to other people!

This “Loading” game is a very common backdoor, and is found in many freemodels. I suggest using less freemodels, and watching videos from scripting channels such as @Alvin_Blox 's channel and @UseCode_Tap 's channel to learn how to make stuff!


Hey seems like there is a topic already regarding this issue. Suggest you to read it.