Teleporting a player from a local script?

Basically I want to teleport the player whenever they click a button, how would i script the teleportation part of that?


Use a clickdetector, that when clicked will use :MoveTo() to any spot.

Well if you want the teleportation client-side only, you can just change the CFrame of the humanoidRootPart of the player’s character.
If you want the teleportation to be server-side, you’ll need to have the local script fire a remote event to the server and have a corresponding server side script handle the teleportation of the player.

Won’t teleporting client side will replicate to the server?


I know this part, but what should I put in front of the :MoveTo()?

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How would I call the humanoidrootpart? (or torso, since im using r6) player.humanoid.torso or something like that?

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Nothing. In the parentheses use a position of a block. Such as when the player clicked:


Alright, I’ll try this method out

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:MoveTo() will move the entire character.

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Should I assign the function to player? (to make sure it wont be nil) script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function(player)

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If you’re using a ClickDetector, put the ClickDetector inside the part you want to click. Then put this into a regular script inside of the same part to detect if a player clicked:


The endPart will be whatever part you want to tp to.

Im not making a part, I want it for an imagebutton/textbutton in startergui…


Ah ok, so then you would do just that. No need for player parameter in the parentheses since it’s a local script you’re in. Just put your :MoveTo() function right after the listener.

game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:MoveTo(game.Workspace.endPart.Position) - - After the function you just did

I keep getting this error, do you know how to fix it?

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You Need To Define The Player And Character Earlier Like

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

then write your :MoveTo() Statement

Alright thank you for sharing that

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eh, when i did your solution mixed with the one from @IGOTHISLOL It moved the player but not the camera, how do i fix this?

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why do people always facilitate :MoveTo()
use :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() instead

*Important Note:

Edit (November 1st, 2021) After revisiting this post over a year later, I’d like to clarify that teleporting the player’s Character from a LocalScript is something that can be done and would not require communication with the server to do so.

This is because the player has network ownership over their own Character. In other words, if a client makes certain changes to their own Character model, such as their position in the Workspace or the Humanoid’s WalkSpeed, those changes are automatically replicated to the server (and visible to other players).

When I originally made this post, I presumed that it was always better practice to teleport the Character from the server to ensure that everything replicated properly, which I’ve since learned is not necessarily the case.

I’d like to correct myself to ensure that I’m providing more accurate information for anyone else that comes across this post. If I still haven’t explained this properly, please let me know and I’ll edit this post again to fix it!

Keep in mind that many other actions (including sanity checks that make sure a player’s Character isn’t teleporting or moving too fast when it shouldn’t be) should be handled on the server side to ensure that your game is secure and works as intended.

New Example:

-- The following example code was written for a LocalScript that has been placed directly into a TextButton

local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- Accesses the Players Service which contains every Player Instance in the game
local player = Players.LocalPlayer -- Refers to the LocalPlayer that has this LocalScript. This means that for every player that has this LocalScript, it will refer to their own Player Instance and not the Player Instance of anyone else

local placeToTeleportTo =, 100, 0) -- This is the physical position in the Workspace that the player's Character will be teleported to
local debounce = false -- Sets "debounce" to be made equal to "false". This will be used to make sure that the player's Character cannot be teleported by the same function again until debounce is equal to false (in this case, we won't be adding a cooldown that lasts an extended amount of time so if you want to learn more, please refer to the "Debounce - Developer Hub Article" in the "Additional Resources" section below this example code block)

local TextButton = script.Parent -- References the item that is containing this LocalScript, which should be a TextButton for this example

TextButton.Activated:Connect(function() -- Whenever the TextButton has been activated, this function will run
    if debounce == false then -- If the variable called "debounce" has a value of "false", then...
        debounce = true -- Sets the "debounce" variable to true so that the function won't try to teleport the player again until debounce is set to false. If this was used in conjunction with a task.wait(# of seconds) or another form of yielding/waiting, this could enable you to add a delay/cooldown before being able to teleport again

        local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- References the player's Character or waits for it to load into the game if it hasn't spawned in yet
        Character:PivotTo(placeToTeleportTo) -- Teleports the player's Character to the location defined by the "placeToTeleportTo" variable. For more information about :PivotTo, please refer to the "Additional Resources" below this code block

        debounce = false -- Sets the debounce to false so that this section of the function is able to be run again when the player clicks the TextButton
    end -- Ends the "if debounce == false then" statement
end) -- Ends the function that was run from the "TextButton.Activated" event

Additional Resources:

:PivotTo() Method - Developer Hub Documentation

Roblox Client-Server Model - Developer Hub Article

Network Ownership - Developer Hub Article

Debounce - Developer Hub Article

Original Explanation/Post:

I don’t believe you should be teleporting the player on the *Client (refer to Important Note above for more info). Especially as you progress further into the realm of development, you want to ensure that you do not create a habit of changing certain properties on the Client, otherwise, it will not replicate to the server properly (so other players will not see the changes).

This is where RemoteEvents come into play within the Client-Server Model, which allow for communication between the Client (player) and Server.

Assuming that you are using ScreenGuis, here’s what you could do (I’ve commented on every line so you know what everything does and what needs to go where):

-- This is a LocalScript to be put directly into a TextButton for example purposes

local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- Defines the "Players" service, which contains all players currently in the game
local player = Players.LocalPlayer -- Defines the "LocalPlayer", which is the individual player, aka the Client

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- Defines the "ReplicatedStorage", which contains the RemoteEvent below
local RemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEventNameHere -- Defines "RemoteEvent" as something inside of the ReplicatedStorage called "RemoteEventNameHere"
-- Make sure you add a RemoteEvent into the ReplicatedStorage, and whatever you name it, change the "RemoteEventNameHere" to the new name

local debounce = false -- Creates something called "debounce", which will allow us to limit the rate at which the RemoteEvent will be activated

script.Parent.Activated:Connect(function() -- Whenever "script.Parent" is Activated/clicked, which will apply for mobile, console, and PC users, it will run a function
	if debounce == false then -- It will check if debounce is equal to false before continuing, and if it is, it will...
		debounce = true -- Make debounce equal to true, so that this part of the script will not be run until debounce is made "false" again
		print("Debounce = true on client") -- Prints that Debounce = true on the client for troubleshooting purposes
		RemoteEvent:FireServer(player) -- This will activate the RemoteEvent on the server, sending the player that activated it through
		debounce = false -- This will make the debounce equal to false, so that the next time the button is activated the RemoteEvent can be activated again
		print("Debounce is now equal to false") -- Prints that Debounce = false on the client for troubleshooting purposes
	end -- Ends the "if debounce" then statement
end) -- Ends the "script.Parent.Activated" function

Then, here’s a script that would be on the server to handle changing the Character position

-- This is a normal Script to be put directly into the "ServerScriptService"

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- Defines the "ReplicatedStorage", which contains the RemoteEvent below
local RemoteEvent = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEventNameHere -- Defines "RemoteEvent" as something inside of the ReplicatedStorage called "RemoteEventNameHere"
-- Make sure you add a RemoteEvent into the ReplicatedStorage, and whatever you name it, change the "RemoteEventNameHere" to the new name

local debounce = false -- Creates something called "debounce" again, which will allow us to limit the rate at which the character's position will be changed

RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) -- Whenever the RemoteEvent is activated on the Server, it will run a function and the player that activated it can be referenced by saying "player", as that is the first parameter that gets sent through RemoteEvents
	if debounce == false then -- It will check if debounce is equal to false before continuing, and if it is, it will...
		debounce = true warn("Debounce = true") -- Warns that Debounce = true on the client for troubleshooting purposes (different color than a Print statement to distinguish it more easily)
		local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- Defines "Character" as the player's Character, or waiting for their Character to load into the game if it does not exist yet
		local HumanoidRootPart = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- Defines "HumanoidRootPart" as looking for something called "HumanoidRootPart" directly inside of the Character, which is what will allow us to change the position of the Character, as that is the PrimaryPart of the Character Model
		HumanoidRootPart.Position = game.Workspace.Part2.Position +,2.5,0) -- It will then change the position of the HumanoidRootPart to be equal to the Position of something else in the Workspace called "Part2", and it will add 2.5 studs of height to it so they do not end up stuck inside of the part
		debounce = false -- This will make the debounce equal to false, so that the next time the button is activated the RemoteEvent can be activated again
		warn("Debounce is now equal to false") -- Warns that Debounce = false on the client for troubleshooting purposes (different color than a Print statement to distinguish it more easily)
	end -- Ends the "if debounce" then statement
end) -- Ends the RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent function

If you have any further questions, or would like to read up about certain elements such as “Debounce”, I’ve hyperlinked some pages from the Roblox Developer Hub within this post, which should show up in blue (Edit: Also, here’s one about PrimaryParts).

Hope this helps!


Thank you, I’ll go test it out, great explanation :+1:

[EDIT: It worked, thanks a lot :slight_smile: ]