Teleports taking extremely long periods of time

Thanks! Any news on 429s not firing TeleportInitFailed?

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I’ll be keeping an eye on the graph to see if I see any further errors, but @bvetterdays above is correct in mentioning that the 429s are not firing TeleportInitFailed which is an issue of its own.

Any error that leads to a teleport being cancelled or left in an incomplete state should raise this event, and that’s an issue of its own that must be resolved regardless of the fix that has been applied here.

I appreciate the throttling fix being applied, but I think y’all ultimately need to do a better job at collecting metrics on TeleportService related outages on your end because it has happened on numerous occasions that I have had to create bug report posts for problems that should be visible via your own metrics.

It’s frustrating to see mid-week changes made like this, without any active metrics on your end to pick up on the issue, and then not resolving it til Monday which has a direct monetisation & algorithm impact over the weekend.

Policy should change around this rather than a simple tweak of some nginx config & moving on.


Continuing to see these errors, albeit not at the same rate as before. Once again taking the opportunity to mention these errors cancel the teleports without raising an error, so we can’t handle them or re-try them in-game.


@bvetterdays @Brian1KB I’m talking to the team that owns TeleportInitFailed to see if we can improve it

@Brian1KB Can you post screenshots / logs? Do you have a sample Job ID and rough timestamp? The original issue I fixed has not reoccurred in the last two days so this is something else

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