[TEMP CLOSED] TheEldritchDreamer | 3D / 2D Artist, Translator, and more | Portfolio

Let me get this straight, you made, put 38 knives inside the game Knife Capsules, and helped RedManta out a bit over ten years of developing. Anything else? Also, please specify-

This means that R$ 2500 should be paid to cover the effort.

Thank you and I hope you get clients.


Hi there! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘anything else?’, because I have specified every detail that’s necessary on a portfolio. The introduction shouldn’t be too big because it can be misleading. (People don’t read as much these days :sweat_smile:) Make sure to check the hidden content, in case you missed them!


As for your question, the withdrawal fee is already explained in the original post (incl. examples).

Thank you for the sweet wishes. :slight_smile: Have a good one!


While I understand this particular incident is rare i’d still like to know what will happen if you fail to meet the agreed upon due date? Will we obligated to pay full price or will a discount be offered?

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That’s a fairly good question.
In case I dont meet the deadline, stuff like discounts can always be considered.

I’m not that type of person to stay behind a protection barrier like the withdrawal fee while my dear customers aren’t protected.

I’ll update the post in a moment with this. :grinning:

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Hi there! :slight_smile:

I have just updated my portfolio with new content, as shown below.

Thanks to @PurpSinister for informing me! :smile:

Hello everybody! :slight_smile:

I’d like to do a few commissions or even join a project (preferably with a payment per work-hour or per asset).
If you’re interested, please let me know!

Hiya! :smiley:

I just elaborated a bit more on the Withdrawal Fee.
I also made the formula’s much easier to read.

Starting after 2 more weeks of college I’ll have a lot more time to do commissions thanks to summer vacation!
In case you’re interested, please let me know! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

It’s been some time again. I changed a few things!

First of all, I added a rule about currency conversion:

Next to that I covered a situation where, in case no price was discussed, there’d be 3 ways we could go:

Edit: I forgot to mention! I also added new images from my most recent work to the 2019 3D spoiler. :slight_smile: Check them out!

Hey everybody :slight_smile:
I just made a new worksheet on Google Spreadsheets for my own use. You’re free to take a look at what I’m doing and how busy I am there.

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
Important notice: I raised the 25% Withdrawal Fee to 65%.
It appeared that in most situations, the compensation wasn’t sufficient causing loss for me regardless.
Now it should be good! :smiley:

If you have any questions and / or concerns, feel free to let me know!

Hi everyone :smiley:
A small but important notice was added to the OP:

I also added some of my newest work & removed the 2015 - 2016 spoiler.
Due to my work from those years being so old it became irrelevant.

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Hey guys :slight_smile:

I have updated my post after a while! :sweat_smile: The following stuff changed:

Decreased the Withdrawal Fee from 65% to 45%!

There’s a few reasons why there’s a Withdrawal Fee such as making people think about their request before contacting me. However it should in no way work as a scare-crow and fend everyone off! Since 65% is quite a high tax to pay for something that didn’t finish, I decided it would be wiser to change it to 45%.

New 2020 content!!

Make sure to check the 2020 spoiler; there’s new content! :smiley:

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Goodday Mr. ShapeDemBricks. A friend of mine is currently working on a project and need some meshes I was wondering if you could help us out in anyway [on payment ofcourse]. I will be sending you a friend request on discord [Same name as my roblox username].

Sincerly, Eladon.

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Hi there! :slight_smile:

Apologies, I didn’t see this message and declined it; could you resend your friend request? :smiley:

This is so good this is worth over 5k usd in total

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Howdy! After viewing your work I’d love to get in contact with you and pick your brain about a project I currently have. Your style for modeling is right down the alley, and fits perfect for what we need! Accept my request on Discord if you’re interested in it.


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I sent you a message and a friend request on Discord. Majd#0840

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Sent you a friend request, leme know if we can talk.


DrClxrk#4544 is my Discord, get in touch asap.

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Hi guys! :slight_smile:

Just a reminder that my commissions are always open!
I base my availability on my current schedule, so if you’re uncertain please feel free to contact me anyway. We’ll figure something out!

Lately, things are boring since the whole pandemic so… do be sure to let me know if you need some work done! :wink: