[TEMPORARILY CLOSED!] Area 21 | Hiring Builders & Clothing Designers

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Area 21 Recruiting Developers

About The Game

Hey there! We are an SCP game that is expected to launch soon. Our goal is to appeal towards kids the most and create a fun and engaging experience, instead of Get Yelled At By Your Drill Sergeant Simulator. Our group is not going to be based off of ranks where you have to train and all, rather sort of how Area 47 is set up, where you have leveling systems and gamepasses that add more content. Another example would be SCP: Roleplay, a game that maintains an addictive XP system in which making it more non pay to win, being able to get an excellent experience whether you pay or you don’t. This method will likely generate more revenue for the development team and create a fun experience for our players which you and others will be recognized for.

The Team


username - role - percentage in revenue

@greeenblox - Scripter, Founder - 24%
@plmanabhan - Scripter - 24%
@POSSIBLY_COMING_SOON - Scripter - 10% (Will work on minor scripts)
@YOU - Builder - 19%
@YOU - Clothing Designer - 10%

Payment is NEGOTIATABLE and we can always come to an agreement for a different payment percentage when needed (for example, if you’re doing outstanding work, we can higher your payment).

About The Job

We are looking for professional builders and clothing designers to join our team.

Example of building you would do

Example of clothing you would design (excluding the gear & stuff)


The above pictures were taken in SCP: Roleplay.

You must be dedicated to the job and remain professional and mature and all times.


We will be paying through percentages for robux of the game’s revenue. There will be no alternatives at least for the start of the game.

Contact Us

You can contact me through Discord, greenblocks#9545.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

I have contacted you through Discord, my portfolio is available here.

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