The title is self explanatory. How to I temporarily disable the camera zooming in and out via the scroll wheel?
There are two ways of doing that, you can set the min/max zoom to the current zoom, or use ContextActionService to bind a function that if returns Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink will prevent roblox from scrolling and if return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass will allow roblox to zoom-in/out.
local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
local DisableScroll = true
function ()
return DisableScroll and Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink or Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
end, false, Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel)
Sorry for any typo, Im on phone lol
Here’s a “Hack” for the ones who are too lazy to code, Make a ScreenGui, Set ignoreGuiInset to true, add a ScrollingFrame and size it to {1,0},{1,0}, and then finally set the BackgroundTransparency and ScrollBarImageTransparency to 1.
This will prevent the player from scrolling but at the cost of moving your camera . Maybe someone will find this useful idk.
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local character=player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid=character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
--ready to do whatever in a local script.
local zMin, zSet, zMax = 5, 5, 5 --lock it to 5
player.CameraMinZoomDistance = zSet
player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = zSet task.wait(0.1)
player.CameraMinZoomDistance = zMin -- 0.5 smallest call
player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = zMax
--or as a on the fly function
function Zoom(zMin, zSet, zMax)
player.CameraMinZoomDistance = zSet
player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = zSet task.wait(0.1)
player.CameraMinZoomDistance = zMin
player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = zMax
Zoom(0.5, 5, 16)
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