Tester program is closed! See you on 20th or maybe later

For the past 4 or 5 months since march I have been developing my dream game named The Mortuary by my solo development group named The Covenant.

The game is supposed to be a story based FPS COOP shooter happening in the year 1990 to 2015 with an apocalyptic vibe to it. I won’t go into much detail to prevent spoiling.

Here is a sneak peak.

Currently the tester program is open for the game where I want 2 VOLUNTEERING people to test and help me make the bug almost bug less before I release the demo to the public.

To apply, just DM me that you want to join the program and I will ask you two things which I am going to keep classified.

The duty of a tester will be to test the game on command and give feedback on what to improve and help me solve and fix bugs. Fixing bugs is complementary and not needed but it would just aid in development as this is an indie project like many. I didn’t had any available friends so… I resorted to the Developer Forum.

  • Amazing! Looking forward to this!
  • Questionable, I don’t like it.
  • I am sure I can make something way better.

0 voters


Absolutely fabulous work, such a awesome looking project, looking forwards to you releasing this project!

Thank you! I appreciate your enthusiasm but I would say to not have high hopes as most of the time having people hyped for this makes me more unmotivated. I just want 2 or 3 testers from here which could help me find bugs.

That’s such an amazing game
I love the details, the background music, the graphics.

I can sense it will be really good game.
Keep up the great work.

I can help you to test your game and give you feedbacks or report any bugs the game might have.

I read that and what do you mean by “What’s the catch?” here?

Thanks! I might have gotten a bit carried away with adding polishing details and stuff rather than actually working on things in the game but eh, it looks cool and worthy to be shown now.


Just ignore it Btw my time schedules messed up

I mean I have listed “volunteering” in all caps so… good thing you deleted your message I guess.


I forgot to say, I have one tester so just TWO slots left.

This looks amazing we need some new fps games.

let me test im begging :pray:

A new genre to be exact, there are plenty of FPS games but they are simply the same thing over and over again, roblox lacks story based CO-OP shooters with an apocalyptic vibe.

Lol alright.

So after this I have two testers and one more needed!

drum roll

Aaaaaand with that! The Covenant is officially closing off the tester program! No need for any more testers! Thank you @Happypigbaconalt and @Hacer0101 for volunteering for this! I also have one more tester but as they aren’t available on the devforum so I will let them be!

Thank you all again for the nice gesture for this game! I will meet you in late july! or maybe early august? Till then…

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Hopefully* I am trying to make the game hard… (There will be difficulty levels of course for those who just want to play the game normally!)
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After a few events, I decided to leave the testers but would need them again but later on.