Testing shopping experiences in Marketplace

Where can I view your products on the Marketplace ?



Even if UGC is “low skill” (which I wouldn’t agree with) that doesn’t mean that it is fair or makes any sense that the item creator gets less than the game that simply prompts the purchase.

Modeling an item is a lot more work than scripting a purchase prompt.


I do agree with this, UGC creators (mostly) spend alot of time on their work, and experiences being placed into the Marketplace pushing their work down and out of the way just doesn’t seem fair at all. The Marketplace should be exclusively for shirts, pants, accesories, etc instead of games which have their own tab already, being the Discover tab.


With all due respect, shopping experiences have very little impact on the sales of UGC items. We do not need you to sell our items in your experiences. Roblox does all of the work to showcase our items in the marketplace. Less than 10% of all UGC sales for most UGC Creators are made in an experience. Most of those sales being made in Catalog Avatar Creator. I find it very disrespectful to imply that we need you to be successful.

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You could slap a baseplate in an experience and call it a game too. That doesn’t mean people will interact with it. Real UGC Creators pour hours of time into creating each of their items.

Experiences do take a lot of time to create, but they are not comparable to UGC items. You can only buy a UGC item one time. You can interact with an experience multiple times. Games are much more profitable based on the time you put in compared to UGC items.

Comparing more abusive industries to UGC does not make a compelling argument from your side. This is not the real world, this is a digital storefront. There is unlimited space and no competition for shelving. Better examples would be Youtube or Twitch, who give their creators 50% or more of the revenue they generate. This is much higher than the 10% given to UGC Creators.

By the way, arguing that exposure is important under a thread about Roblox taking away that exposure is pretty ironic.

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Out of curiosity, are you suggesting that people buy UGC in base plate games? By the way, your counter argument is literally absurd, they are not taking away space, they are adding them inline, just scroll past them and don’t click on them.

No, trying to make you realize how dumb it sounds to imply that a cube can make a thousands of dollars. Yes, they are taking away space. They are adding games where there are currently items. Would you like it if they added accessories to the home and discover pages? I doubt it.

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Thanks for educating me on how capitalism and marketing works bud. Sounds like you got it all figured out. I wish you the best of luck with your UGC and Development endeavors!

I apologize that my comments triggerd you, it was not my intention. I appreciate your opinions you so liberally share, I will keep them in mind. Not to worry though, I don’t think we have eaten into your profits. Looking at our sales data, out of the millions of UGC items we have sold, I dont think we have sold any of your UGC yet. We do however work directly with some great UGC creators and they have been very happy and supportive working with us. Also, can you pass me a link to the source of the statistical data showing that “less than 10% of all UGC sales” come from in experience purchases. I would love review that data.

good feature; will be bad if abused

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Yeah, because Roblox takes the 40% from us if you don’t. That’s why this needs to change. I have nothing against shopping experiences, but I strongly believe they shouldn’t get a higher percentage than actual creators.

This is my personal sales data so I am afraid I cannot share.

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Yea that does sound dumb. I guess their intention was that UGC creators would make UGC items specifically for games but if a game uses a UGC item without consent then its problematic

As experiences move into the marketplace … perhaps it is time to re-asses the percentage split? Experiences getting 40% and those who make the item getting 30% is a bit off.

Even just going to 35/35 would be a huge improvement.

Cool update I guess - it’ll improve the user experience. But the revenue share model for UGC creators is still unfair. Especially considering Roblox considers itself an affiliate when avatar items are purchased from the website. At least this change helps move that money away from Roblox and into the community.

No offence and not to come across as rude or ignorant, but if so many of your UGC sales are being made on the website, then why would the request need to necessarily be to lower the affiliate percentage? It seems like the easier request to solve would be to remove the affiliate percentage for sales made on the website.

In my personal opinion, sales that occur in experience most likely would have not occurred at all if the experience were to not exist, so Roblox encouraging creators to implement UGC selling into their experiences is a good thing, any decreasing of the current rate would be a discouragement of that. On the other hand, I don’t agree that 70% of all website sales are taken from UGC creators since that is just Roblox taking 2 commissions while cutting down on that fee isn’t going to cause any creator on the platform to suffer loss of income.

This isn’t a fair comparison imo. First of all, developers are already competing in a saturated market, so making public UGC look like a massive disadvantage to UGC creators over experience developers is unfair imo. Sure, the update will affect UGC creators, but it has already affected developers since the start of the platform, so assuming developers have the ‘luxury life’ isn’t so true to that.

Second of all, if your point was to state that massive changes make your life annoying as a UGC creator, developers are no different. Example
Yes, this update was reverted, but many others weren’t.

I personally think that the affiliate percentage is a bit too high for UGC. In comparison, 2D clothing and gamepasses give a 10% commission and you get the full amount when it is sold in the marketplace. Roblox has solved this problem years ago, they specifically designed UGC to screw over creators.

The problem with that, is that we have been asking for this for years. The marketplace is Roblox’s most profitable form of revenue and they aren’t going to give it away that easily. Switching the affiliate and creator cuts is the smallest ask we could make, and even that is unrealistic.

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hey its been 17 days since this announcement was posted

are you going to respond to any of the questions posted above?


Roblox trying to make themself in a more “realistic” way, this have been proven from their RDC from what i have heard and Roadmap.

Compared to what you said about musicians, inventors and many other, they give their percentage to people to do all the works such as adversiting (if we are talking about musicians, they hire influencers and stuff like that) or quantity of items (if we are talking abt inventors, because no one is capable to make tons of items without any team) .

It also depends when song / item have been showed into public, because each industry has the most profit on its start (UGC is a great example, for example maplestick made a normal head with a black n white gradient, and its one of the most sold items in the marketplace just because it was one of the first made items) although with start, u also should get less percentage from your purchases for paying people who advertise and who does contribute to that process, but over time that percentage should raise for your profit.

But in UGC side, making our cut less overtime, does not have any sense, for what do you give that percentage?? for someone who could just paste 2 line script and spend 10 seconds while making it and they get 10% more that you making UGC, or someone who advertise your work even though u pay from those 30% you get out of all 70%, i dont know for what we give that percentage, it would be more fair if a creator gets 60-70% just like 2D clothing marketplace.

I am former UGC creator, and my collaborator kicked after I quited UGC because ITS LITERALLY not profitable for me, i spend more than 10k just to upload items as limited items, and in exchange i only got around 500 robux, but what could be if there wasnt any Rolimons notifier? same with normal item but they are barely gets any sales (i have burn out because im barely getting 10-20 sales from a 50 robux item and that DOES NOT cover the uploading fee for atleast 1/4.), only exception is when you use an stolen IP as your own, then sure you would get tons of sales from that.

Sorry if i could explain well, i feel sick right now but i wish you got the point that UGC creators cut, is just a steal, for what we are not getting the rest of percentage??


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