Text is not reading Value after time

Common misconception.

In this case you’d be wrong, when you are using the .Changed on a “ValueObject” (like Int, StringValue, etc.) then the event only fires upon the Value' property change. So it’s actually better to use .Changed`, it’s shorter and automatically passes the new value

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Dam just read it in the documentation, thank you very much for this information, :star2: The more you know :star2:

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Ye, the print is working…

NOW try this

while true do
        print("value changing")
	script.Parent.Text = script.Parent.Parent.Money.Value

The only thing it′s doing is printing 199998 along with value changing.

Leave the script as that and type this into the value changing script

while true do
        print("value changing for real")
	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.StarterGui.thegui.Money.Value -= 1

i think you are using the text label from the starter gui and not from the regular gui
i think you need to do something like this
local textlabel = script.Parent.MoneyLabel
local moneyvalue = script.Parent.Money
while true do
textlabel.Text = moneyvalue.Value