Text on one line


How do I write a text on a TextLabel and make sure it uses 1 line while TextScaled is true.
The text changes depending on the weapon name.




There really isn’t a good solution to this problem. I’d usually suggest disabling TextScaled and resizing the text font size to an amount that looks perfect given that you know the size of the object. However, for this specific case, you should extend the X axis size. (diminishing the Y axis size should also help as long as you increment the X axis)


Have you tried using UITextSizeConstaraint?

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I do not know what that is and I do not see it in the properties.

It’s not a property, it’s an object. It works if you parent it to the GUI object that you want control over. I’d recommend reading the wiki for more detailed information: UITextSizeConstraint | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Sorry for coming in even though this thread is old. Well, I think the issue was caused by RichText property. (if anyone needs help with this)

TextLabel with RichText:

TextLabel without RichText:

This wasted an hour of my time to figure out so thats dumb I guess.


If anyone wants to keep on Rich Text while still doing this, I recommend checking out my tutorial I just made.