TextChat+ v1.2 - A new way to manage TextChatService Tags


What is TextChat+?

TextChat+ is a new module that allows you to setup configurations for the new TextChatService. This includes ChatTags (prefix), Name Color, and Chat Color. These can be configured with groups (Ids, Ranks), gamepasses, userids, teams, and can be set as the default. This system also allows for multiple prefixes, which can be active at once. To see an example of how the system works, please see the ‘Showcase’ section below.

How to Install?

TextChat+ is 100% free and open-source. Everyone can get it from the ROBLOX library. Get the model now: TextChat+ (v 1.2) - Roblox

To set it up, place the respective scripts into the correct places as labeled in the folder you’ll acquire when inserting the model. Once finished, TextChat+ is now installed and can be configured.

To configure TextChat+, expand the TextChat+ ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage, now you should see another ModuleScript named Settings. Open this file and please see the ‘How to configure’ section below to see how to configure it and/or see the ‘Showcase’ section below to see the showcase of this module.

How to configure?

TextChat+ is very self-explanatory in terms of configuring it. You’ll only need to configure one script which is the Settings script. This can be found in ReplicatedStorage > TextChat+.

This is how it should look like:

["General"] = {
	["MaxTags"] = 1;

["Tags"] = {
		["Enabled"] = true,
		["Name"] = "",
		["Prefix"] = "",
		["NameColor"] = "",
		["ChatColor"] = "",
		["SpecificUserEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["UserIds"] = {0}
		["TeamEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["TeamColor"] = BrickColor.new("White")
		["GamepassEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["GamepassIds"] = {0}
		["GroupEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["GroupRanks"] = "0-255"

General Settings:

  • MaxTags = Should be the maximum amount of Tags you want to be seen. (Ex. 1)

Tag Priority:

  • TAGPRIORITY should be set to a integer of 1> (The higher the value the lower the priority of the Tag) (Ex. 1)

Default Settings:

  • Enabled = Should the Tag be enabled as Default. (Ex. true)
  • Name = Should be set to the Tag’s Identifier (Ex. Owner)
  • Prefix = What should the Prefix/Tag be? (Ex. <font color='#e2231a'>[OWNER]</font>)
  • NameColor = What color should the DisplayName be when chatting. (Ex. #e2231a)
  • ChatColor = What color should the Message be when chatting. (Ex. #e2231a)

Specific User Settings:

  • Enabled = Should the Specific User Setting be enabled. (Ex. false)
  • UserIds = Table of UserIds which will allow those players to have the Tag enabled when joining the game. (Ex. {154454341})

Team Settings:

  • Enabled = Should the Team Setting be enabled. (Ex. false)
  • TeamColor = BrickColor of the Team which will get the Tag. (Ex. BrickColor.new("White"))

Gamepass Settings:

  • Enabled = Should the Gamepass Setting be enabled. (Ex. false)
  • GamepassIds = Table of Ids which will enable the Tag if the player owns it. (Ex. {456435452})

Group Settings:

  • Enabled = Should the Group Setting be enabled. (Ex. false)
  • GroupId = What GroupId should be used for the Tag. (Ex. 177362)
  • GroupRanks = What Ranks in the Group should be allowed the Tag. (Ex. 0-255 (Ranks 0 through 255), 1+ (Ranks 1 and above), 55 (Only rank 55))


TextChat+ Example

Example Settings Script
["General"] = {
	["MaxTags"] = 1;

["Tags"] = {
	[1] = {
		["Enabled"] = false,
		["Name"] = "Owner",
		["Prefix"] = "<font color='#00d8d6'>[OWNER]</font>",
		["NameColor"] = "#05c46b",
		["ChatColor"] = "#ff5e57",
		["SpecificUserEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["UserIds"] = {0}
		["TeamEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["TeamColor"] = BrickColor.new("White")
		["GamepassEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = false,
			["GamepassIds"] = {0}
		["GroupEnabled"] = {
			["Enabled"] = true,
			["GroupId"] = 14184477,
			["GroupRanks"] = "255"

I love it!! This will be really helpful to me.

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This is sick. I like it very much. In the future could you add a feature for teams? Cos that would put the cherry on top.

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I’m guessing this is what you mean:

Wouldn’t it be more convenient to take care of the HTML-like color tags and only let us put the color and prefix parameters? I am assuming messing this part up would cause some sort of color error.

Or it could just be like this
not sure if color3 or enum would work but i’m guessing that is what you mean.

In addition to that whitelisted users, so like this

Yes, this is exactly what I mean.

I will try my best to implement this as time goes on maybe in the upcoming days.

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TextChat+ - V1.1 Update

TextChat+ now allows the User to configure the Tags more such as: Team based Tags, UserId based Tags.


Both of your Ideas have been implemented into the Module. To get the updated Module just reinsert the Model.

Thanks :slight_smile: Ill suggest more if you want.

Could there be a Chat Background Transparency configuration? Love this module!


Great Idea! I would be willing to try it out!

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I think next could be like a leaderstats tag, #1 most kills Globally or #43 most deaths.

You can already do this. You’ll need a seperate script and execute the :EditTag() function of the module when the player reaches a certain amount in the stat.

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That is a Roblox issue as I received it before using this model.

The VIP tag isn’t working. I tried checking it with a gap in the owner tag so I wouldn’t get the owner tag and the VIP tag isn’t working still.

you left a space on your I’d lol

The Gap in your Owner Tag is throwing the system off. Also be sure to leave ALL the Settings in just change the Enabled to false on them or the System won’t work since it needs all the Settings there even if disabled.