like this?
No, you TweenPosition(position)
I did both and this
TweenPosition is a function of an UI element, not a variable or service.
Do Frame:TweenPosition(YOUR_POSITION)
Here is the documentation:
The error there is the TextLabel, you are tweening the wrong thing. Access TextLabel through script.Parent like you did for the button, not game.StarterGui.
Replace the text label with this
local TextLabel = script.Parent.TextLabel
now try and see if it works. Does it work? any errors?
it work, but how do I make it to go right and left of the player screen?
you mean back and fourth???
I did it like this:
TextLabel:TweenPosition(, 0, 0.457, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 15, true)
Just change the position values and your good to go!
can I use Cuz, like I’m actually very new to scripting and like I started learning tweenservice from TheDevKing tutorial from like 2-3 days ago…?
no, is only for 3d objects while is used for uis.
just change the position values and your good to go!
do I have to add the curly brackets as well?
Position ={-0.4, 0},{-3.42, 0})
no you cant it will may cause errors
don’t add curly brackets just change the values.
what happen here? I suddenly got this warning underline thing.
EDIT: nvm I fix it. Now the moment of true to find out whether my script work