TextScaled and TextWrapped do not respect MaxVisibleGraphemes on TextLabels, TextBoxes and TextButtons


When a GUI Text object is set to TextScaled and has a non-negative MaxVisibleGraphemes, when the number of characters in the instance’s Text property exceeds the MaxVisibleGraphemes setting, TextScaled and TextWrapped scale/wrap text based on the length of the instance’s Text property, not the length of the displayed text (which is the same as the value of MaxVisibleGraphemes)

First noticed this 14/Jan/22, may have been behaving this way since the introduction of MaxVisibleGraphemes

a TextLabel with MaxVisibleGraphenes set to 10, text exceeds 10 graphemes

Expected outcome

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a ScreenGui in StarterGui
  • Add a TextLabel to ScreenGui
  • Check TextScaled box
  • Set TextLabel.MaxVisibleGraphemes to 10
  • Set TextLabel.Text to “ABCDEFGHIJ” to observe expected outcome
    graphemes_bug.rbxl (34.1 KB)

This is the entire point of the MaxVisibleGraphemes property.



Right, I see. That makes sense! I never used this usecase myself, in all the cases where I have used MVG I actually want the opposite of that functionality. Maybe a separate Boolean checkbox where you can select scaling functionality?