TextStroke scales instead of text size?

Currently, my game is using billboard guis as nametags. However, I have recently encountered a problem that has never occurred before, the textstroke of the text label increases when you move further away. Shown here: https://gyazo.com/b442008d8f9e82e9d426e9153cb54d73

Is there anyway I can fix this?

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I believe this currently a bug due to the beta release of the UIStroke feature. I haven’t seen a work around or a solution yet

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Should I turn off beta features as a temporary fix?

You could try that, as disabling a beta feature should reverse it. Make sure you restart studio afterwards

As @HugeCoolboy2007 mentioned, this is likely related to the beta release of UIStroke, which internally makes TextStrokeColor use UIStroke.

As seen above, they mention on the post that they are aware of this issue, so it will likely be fixed before release.

I’d just turn off the beta feature for now.

If you really need to fix it with the beta on, you could either make the text get bigger OR manually set the text stroke to disabled at a certain distance.