Textures are weird in roblox

Blender -


my uv:


Your texture is far too big and the wrong dimensions. If I remember correctly, the max size Roblox accepts is 2048x2048 before it starts downscaling. Remap your UVs into a square and set to your desired resolution.

The standard texture resolutions that are supported are: 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, and 2048x2048.

If you want to keep as much detail as possible, split your mesh into parts and just have different UV maps per those parts. This method is a little taxing on ingame performance as far as my understanding goes, but not a big deal if you’re making something like a showcase. 256x256 and 512x512 are better resolutions if you’re making your assets game ready, though!


Hmmmmmmmmm, alr. ill message you if anything happens


Just wondering, how do you even export with textures?

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This tutorial has helped me a lot. I’m still struggling to get them to scale properly tho. Textures are a massive hurdle for me that I have yet overcome. Hopefully you will have better luck than me.

Full Guide on how to use PBR Materials in Blender - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox