The Batman's Blender OAE v1.35 (Object Animation Importer/Exporter)

I haven’t animated in a lil minute so this makes sense

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Removed Rounding

So I was encountering an issue where the objects werent moving as smoothly as they were in Blender and this is because I was rounding the numbers 3 after the decimal point which obviously was having detrimental effect on the end imported animation to studio, so of course this will make the size of it bigger but the compression should still hold up pretty well!

Looks interesting. Does this only work for Cframes only or rigs as a whole? (I haven’t downloaded it yet so if this is a stupid question lmk)

Also, how does this differ from importing animation from fbx?

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So great question, this isn’t a replacement for something like blender animation exporter/importer made by Den_S, this was created for someone who wanted to have a model be animated but not it’s individual parts but also on a professional animator like Blender, this addon makes it so you can export and animate stuff from Blender without having to rig it!

For example let’s say you want to have a game where you want to animate specifics things going on in the world like two npcs throwing a ball back and forth, you can use this to animate the ball but if you wanna animate the rigs you should of course use the blender animation importer/exporter by Den_S if that makes sense hopefully

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Added Pausing, Resuming and Stop functions!

You can now stop the function, or pause and resume it throughout also you can know exactly when the animation is finished by just doing this

local ObjectAnimation = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ObjectAnimation)

local o =
-- Pause the animation

-- Resume the animation

-- Stop the animation

   print("Animation completed")


Better Methods & Bug Fixes

Hey! So I was getting read to use the addon for production (a game I have), and I ran into some issues which I thought I fixed before or well werent there before but they were, so the ObjectAnimation module was erroring when you’d try to pass in a model because I passed in the wrong target property key so that should be fixed now

For the blender addon, I removed the X axis rotation of 90 degrees as it wasn’t actually needed and it now uses the transform location instead of the location from the


This wil get us into the next part, so now before your animating or even after you finished your going to want to always apply your delta transforms for rotaiton and for rotation, this will basically make the origin relative to that object and no matter where in the Blender world you put it it’ll be relative to itself and this is important because when you go to import it into studio and you want to set it relative to something so it works out properly and looks how it looked in Blender.

It’s very easy to do, you just need to press CTRL + A then hit the two circled options in the screenshot

And you should be good to export!

Here is an example of a scene im currently making which I exported!




Rotation X issues fixed & limiting angles to 0-360

Hey! So I’ve been doing extensive testing and I’ve finally gotten the addon to a place that’s actually working properly so before I was removing 90 degrees on the X rotation because of blender’s different coordinate system and I realized that I only had to do this for the camera and I could just apply delta transform rotations which would make it work perfectly!

Added first frame snapping & optional frame increase

So in the object animation module, for models and parts it doesnt interpolate to the first frame it now just snaps to it so theres no interpolation from where the part was originally when it wasnt being animated hard to explain but just know that works now, and the frame time now can be increased outside of the script which just extends the functionality a bit, lets say if you want to increment the animation based of something in a different script you can do that now

This is criminally underrated, anyone making blender support plugins for roblox is a dev god.