The Big Bubble Chat Rework

This is probably intended in case you’re wearing a biggerhead or other huge hats that could cover text bubbles


this is not a fix, its a pointless change which literally nobody asked for.


You mean one that you didn’t ask for. A lot of other people like it, the world doesn’t revolve around you.


Again, do you see anybody requesting a new version of it in Platform Feedback > Engine Features before the initial announcement was made? Neither do I. I see people asking for the existing engine to have a simple bug fixed, not for a replacement.


Awesome! This will be useful for other games that don’t want the Classic Bubble Chat design.

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Make sure Chat.BubbleChatEnabled is set to true. If you are still having the issue, it may be because of your device. Some devices don’t support the bubble chat yet.

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You put it inside a LocalScript, preferrably in StarterPlayerScripts.


I have a script that doesn’t seem to work on mobile - at least not on my iPhone 8+. Works fine on desktop, in studio, and on mobile emulator in studio though.

local Settings = {
	-- The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before a bubble fades out.
	BubbleDuration = 15,

	-- The amount of messages to be displayed, before old ones disappear
	-- immediately when a new message comes in.
	MaxBubbles = 3,

	-- Styling for the bubbles. These settings will change various visual aspects.
	BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
	TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(239, 247, 255),
	TextSize = 17,
	Font = Enum.Font.GothamSemibold,
	Transparency = .333,
	CornerRadius =, 12),
	TailVisible = true,
	Padding = 8, -- in pixels
	MaxWidth = 400, --in pixels

	-- Extra space between the head and the billboard (useful if you want to
	-- leave some space for other character billboard UIs)
	VerticalStudsOffset = 0,

	-- Space in pixels between two bubbles
	BubblesSpacing = 6,

	-- The distance (from the camera) that bubbles turn into a single bubble
	-- with ellipses (...) to indicate chatter.
	MinimizeDistance = 40,
	-- The max distance (from the camera) that bubbles are shown at
	MaxDistance = 100,

function eval(s,e)return(not(s)and(warn(e))or(s))end;

Upon further inspection:


That’d likely be because your phone hasn’t received the latest update. Some mobile devices will not have the chat rework for a few weeks, hence why the settings function is wrapped in a protected call.


What about this?

local chat = game:GetService("Chat")
        BubbleDuration = 20,
        MaxBubbles = 5,

Will this mean the BubbleDuration gets set back to the default value of 15? The post isn’t entirely clear.

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I like almost everything about it, however I really dislike that the text‘s adornee is the HumanoidRootPart, it makes in-game chatting feel like texting. When the adornee is the head, the bubble moves with the head when the character jumps, moves, etc. which makes it feel more alive rather than a static bubble. In the old bubble chat (atleast for me) the chat bubble felt connected to the character as it moved with the character even when idling. After trying out this new one, it just feels off without going with head movements.


Am I the only guy who has a problem with textures and Font Text? I changed some settings, and the bubble chat keep normal settings with a white background bubble chat : image


I have also changed the settings and they are still on the default settings.

No idea.

Will there be a setting for where the chat bubble appears, as in which part inside the character? Head, Torso etc.

1 Like This looks very odd to me, the humanoidrootpart is not even moving.


bubbles move when character height changes.
on 2nd day of public release they were updated and now they can be moved by animations.

In the gif, we see NPCs speaking with bubblechat - how would you do such thing with a script?!


You can use either of these, it may take some time to understand, but I’m sure you’ll get it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks! I’m already working with the ChatSystem so I shouldn’t have that much of trouble… I hope.

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The new chat is real cool. It’s better than the older one. Though, let’s say I want to make a Roblox game with the old chat. Can you make it so that you could revert to old bubble chat?

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